About the author:
Kuzenko Ye. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The object of this study was to analyze of DNA alkylation by infrared spectroscopy. The infrared spectroscopy is widely used for gathering structural information on biological systems, but not used in periodontitis inflammation researchers. The study of DNA by infrared spectroscopy requires peeled DNA samples. The infrared spectrs of DNA show many characteristic: denaturation, alkylation, dehydration and confor-mational transition. Further studies of DNA by infrared spectroscopy are needed to determine the functional relevance of these alterations and the accomplishment of epigenetic investigations could have a future impact on diagnos-tic and/or therapeutic tools in treating periodontitis The study population included 56 patients with marginal periodontitis. Only patients with available tissue repre-sent a subset of the overall study cohorts. Recorded with a DNA IR spectrometer (SPECTRUM ONE (PerkinElmer)) with using KBr beam splitter. Inter ferograms were accumulated over the spectral range 450-400°Cm The infrared spectr a of DNA analyzed in OriginPro 8 Results. IR spectra of the DNA bands can be roughly divides into three areas : first – 4000-200°Cm-1 – variations of bases, the second – 1700-150°Cm-1 – DNA deoxyribose vibrations, third – 1300- 1000сm-1 – deoxyribose and phosphate groups in the skeleton of the DNA molecule. The bands of the spectrum depending on the absorption of infrared radiation can be divided into: strong – ≤20% average – 20% -5% and weak – 5% ≥. Due to the complexity of the structure of DNA arises imposition peaks of adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine, deoxyribose and phosphorus balance in the group CH , CH . Significant changes were observed infrared spectroscopy absorption bands at – sSN group. In patients with intact periodontium features in CH – IR bands were observed. Center band oscillations – sSN group was at 1375±1 cm -1. Percentage intensity on a scale infrared spectroscopy transmittance was 7,18±0,74%. Percentage of infrared absorption bands 1375±1 cm- first patients with periodontal inflammation equal to 10,39±2,44% (P= 0. 001). Changes in IR absorption bands observed in sCH group. In intact periodontal sCH next strip center strip vibrations 1464 cm-1, the percentage of intensity on a scale transmission of infrared radiation – 0,24±0,03%. Percentage of infrared spectroscopy absorption band 1464 cm-1 in the second group was 0,32±0,06% (P= 0. 001). Conclusion. On the basis of studies pevninistyu can be argued that inflammatory changes in the cells leads to an increase in the content of a methyl group to DNA. These data suggest prypushennya that one of the pathogenesis of periodontitis is abnormal endogenous and exogenous DNA methylation periodontal cells with different morpho-logic forms of inflammation.
alkylation by infrared spectroscopy, DNA methylation, periodontitis inflammation
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 198-201 pages, index UDK 612. 014. 46:616. 314. 28-073