About the author:
Kuritsyn A. V. Kutsevlyak V. I. Kondratyev A. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Now more and more actual there are the researches devoted to theoretical modeling of interaction of implants with bone tissues of a maxillary segment under the influence of chewing loading. For the solution of this task the majority of researchers choose the method of final elements (MFE) which well is suitable for the analysis of various biological objects and it is successfully applied in dentistry. The main advantage of MFE is possibility of the solution of tasks for area of any form while decisions can be received only for tasks with rather simple geometry. This fact, and also emergence of a number of the commercial high-performance programs which are effectively realizing this method, made it one of the main tools for research of such systems, as dental. Objective of this research – to carry out modeling of interaction of really loaded screw implants of various con-figuration with bone tissue of a maxillary segment and to estimate influence of their key geometrical parameters on the intense the deformed state (IDS) of biomechanical system. Materials and methods. The tooth implant serving as a support to a denture, consists of an artificial root from the medical titan of a class V (basic screw part) and the abatment connecting a support and crowns part of tooth among themselves. The basic part of an implant is screwed in directly in bone tissue of a jaw, and then by means of cement on an implant the crown is established. At the heart of the conducted research in respect of a regulation of geometrical parameters of implants commercial data of his producer – company “Anthogyr”. Discussion of results as a result of modeling in a program complex of the final and element analysis for consid-ered biomechanical system the IDS components of all its components were defined. For the analysis of a tension pictures of distribution of equivalent tension according to Mises which characterize a tension in any point of studied object were used and allow to judge intensity of this state. For the analysis of deformability of model were it is used pictures of distribution of linear resultant movements. The analysis of the received results allows to draw the following conclusions. Modeling of interaction of really loaded screw implant of various configuration with bone tissues of a maxillary segment Is carried out. The defining role of a configuration of basic part of an implant on unevenness intense deformed a state on limit of the section “basic part of an implant / bone tissue” is shown. Thus loading between rounds of a carving of bearing part of an implant in bone tissues of a maxillary segment is distributed significantly not evenly. More intensively the rounds contacting to a compact bone and first, contacting to spongy tissue are loaded. For various configurations of an implant and an abatment pictures intense deformed a state are received by an element of biomechanical system. The most loaded element of biomechanical system is the spongy bone. For the considered configurations of an implant the maximum equivalent tension in this tissue corresponds to diameter of an implant of 4 mm, length of 8 mm and a angle of an esthetic abatment 15.
method of final elements (MFE), intense the deformed state (IDS), dental implant, abatment
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 202-207 pages, index UDK 616. 314-089. 843-035