Mrochko O. I.


About the author:

Mrochko O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In the adult population of our country the high prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases, which are employed in the different brunches of industrial manufacture, necessitates the further development of rational pathogenetic schemes designed to treat them. Given the influence of xenobiotics of spirit manufacture (SM) on the macro-organism and, in particular, on the periodontal tissues, we have developed specific therapeutic schemes, based on our findings data of dynamics of pathological changes in the periodontal tissues with inflammatory diseases in the workers of а spirit manufacture (SM). The aim of the research was to develop an adequate local pathogenetic treatment of chronic catarrhal gingi-vitis (CCG) in employees of а spirit manufacture. Materials and research methods. The epidemiological, clinical and laboratory study of the course and treat-ment of CCG 40 employees of SM (Lviv region ) aged 18 to 55 years with work experience at enterprises from 1 to 20 years were conducted. Epidemiological survey was conducted by the traditional scheme: hygiene indices (GI) on Fedorov-Volodkina (1976), the PMA indice, sample Shyllyer-Pisarev, indices PI (Russel, 1956) and CPITN were studied. The PMA indice on Ulitkovsky was used for the assessment of the efficiency of treatment. Clinical and labo-ratory study of CCG were studied in the dynamics of disease (before and after treatment). Results of research and their discussion. The patients with CCG, having regard to the age, work experience and the severity of catarrhal gingivitis on a spirit manufacture were divided into 2 equal groups: primary, in which the treatment was carried out according to the scheme 1 (n=20) and control (20 people), where patients were treated according to the Protocols of providing medical care in «therapeutic dentistry». The gel «Kvertulіn» was used for pathogenetic local pharmacotherapy in the form of application on the gums. The irrigation with mineral water «Jodis-concentrate» for improving and sustaining the effects of local therapy was used. Use of the mineral water «Jodis-concentrate» as the irrigation solution, conditioned antibacterial, immu-nostimulating, antioxidant effect and increases the effectiveness of therapy. Patients with recommended oral trays «Jodis- concentrate» in the context of preventive measures. Patients with CCG were offered toothpaste «Parodontax» with a selection of 6 herbs that cause pronounced parodontprotective effect cleaning the teeth. The results of direct clinical observations have shown that experimen-tal subgroup at 2-3 days was determined decrease signs of inflammation of gums in 20 patients (87. 5%). In the control group where patients underwent traditional treatment, reduction of inflammation was determined on 8-9 days in 60. 0% (12 people). In the main group hygienic indice, РІ and РМА in average equal to the value after 6-12 months after treatment. The employees of the main group hygienic indice, indices РІ and РМА though increased after 18 months, but re-mained significantly lower compared to the baseline data. In the control subgroup showed improvement paraclinical indices data after the traditional treatment, however 6-18 months, the values of GI, PI, PMA returned to baseline values with a tendency to worsen, and the indice of PMA with the value (35,24 minus 1,18)% betrayed the presence of gingivitis moderate. The effectiveness of the treat-ment with PMA was 20. 38%. Conclusions. There has been elaborated scheme of the local treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in em-ployees of a spirit manufacture, that are available and economical, easy to use, side effects are not fixed, and most importantly, it has a pronounced therapeutic effect in patients with CCG on reduction of terms of treatment.


chronic catarrhal gingivitis, a spirit manufacture, «Kvertulin»


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 023-026 pages, index UDK 616. 314. 17-008. 1. – 057:666. 97-08