Pavlish I. V., Dvornyk V. N., Fenko A. G., Dobrovolsky A. V.


About the author:

Pavlish I. V., Dvornyk V. N., Fenko A. G., Dobrovolsky A. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Morphological and functional changes that occur after the loss of teeth, or as a result of other patho-logical processes often limit the use of traditional approaches to prosthetic implants. The purpose of this study was to determine the number and location of small diameter single-stage implants in the distal mandibular fixed bicorticaly in cases of bone deficiency. While the study was conducted mathematical modeling and finite element analysis of comparative stress-strain state of prosthetic – implant – bone system elements with different number and pattern placement of implants, de-pending on the density of spongy bone. To select the most unfavorable load case considered a combination of the vertical component of the functional load on the first molars from all possible directions of the horizontal component of the load (as in the distal-medial direction and opposed him and vestibular-lingual and vestibular-lingual direc-tions). As an evaluation criterion when comparing the stress-strain state of the jaw segments using non-removable prosthesis, made of an Co-Cr alloy, it seems appropriate to take the maximum values of equivalent stresses by Hu-ber-Mises both in the implant and adjacent to the implant cortical and spongy substance of jawbone arising under the impact on the calculated values of functional prosthetic loading. For the study of stressed-strained state of the prosthetic-implant-bone system was developed solid-state mathematical model of the human mandible with a complete lack of teeth, containing the basic structural components: alveolar bone of the jaw and the body, man-dibular canal, including both cortical layer and sponge whose dimensions are taken as the average value of some parameters according to computed tomography. As a result, the study identified the main conditions of use of small diameter single-stage implants in the lateral mandible provided deficits bone, such as the number, location, type of fixation, depending on the density of cancellous bone substance. Based on the results of the research the following conclusions were made: 1. The use in lateral mandible three implants installed monocortical whith diameter of 4 mm and 8 mm of intraosseous part of the relative density of cancellous bone less than = 1 is justified because of the maximum values of equivalent tensions in compact and spongy layers of the jawbone that exceed the corresponding ultimate strength . 2. In all the above cases, the maximum values of equivalent stresses arising from adhering to the implant cortical and cancellous layers of jawbone smaller at a fixed prosthesis on implants installed bicorticaly compared with those fixed monocorticaly. 3. When determining the number of implants with a diameter of 2. 5 mm and a length of 12 mm for bicortical installation in lateral parts of the lower jaw whith a shortage of bone should be guided by implantation isotopic rule, according to which the number of implants should be equal to the total number of roots of teeth are replaced. 4. At low density of trabecular bone (= 0,7 or less) should be used only bicortical method of fixation of implants in the lateral mandible. 5. For a more equal distribution of efforts that are transmitted from the prosthesis over implants into the jaw bone, implants in the molar area must be located on the quadrangle.


mathematical modeling, finite element method, bicortical implantation, lateral mandible, bone deficiency


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 062-069 pages, index UDK 616. 716. 4-089. 843