Paliy A.


About the author:

Paliy A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In modern dental surgery osteoplastic materials are widely used to replace bone defects. In today’s market a large number of osteoplastic materials that differ in their composition, properties specific applications are represented. Restoration of the native structure of bone after bone grafting as well as in the case of healing under blood clot is directly related to the process of revascularization, because the growing of blood vessels into the graft is is a precondition for transport of osteogenic cells, growth factors necessary for further osteogenesis. The objective was to determine peculiarities and time of bone tissue revascularization after osteoplasty with «EASY-GRAFT™» ( calcium phosphate-based material). Experimental study was conducted on 30 white rats (weight 270-380 g). The surgery was performed under ether narcosis in aseptic conditions. Having depilated the surgical area, we made a discission in the area of dorsal surface of the shinbone, opened access to the bone surface and formed two defects using spheric bur, one 2 mm-diameter defect on each side following the topographoanatomic features of shinbone structure of the experimental animals. The bone defect on one side was filled with osteoplastic material and on the opposite side the healing took place under a blood clot. The wound in soft tissues was taken in layer by layer. Antibiotic injection (30% Lincomycini hydrochloridum) was administered after the surgical intervention. The animals were withdrawn from the experiment on the 14th, 30th, 60th, and 90th day. The peculiarities of revascularization were studied by histologic method. Histologic specimen were stained using Schmorl technique and natural hematoxylin-eosin. Light microscopy and microphotographing histopreparativ performed using a microscope OLYMPUS CX 41 and camera OLYMPUS C – 5050. Morphometry at the tissue level was performed using morphometric program for DP-SOFT microscope OLYMPUS CX 41. Results: In cases of «EASY-GRAFT™» use small vessels (5-10 µm2) were formed more intensively and gradually differentiated into larger caliber vessels. Total number of vessels of 5-10 µm2 increased 3 times over the period of the experiment (days 14 to 90); number of 10-15 µm2 vessels increased by 2. 2 times; 15-20 µm2 vessels decreased by 17. 6% and 25-30 µm2 vessels decreased by 56. 7%. In samples where healing processes took place under a blood clot revascularization was less active. Number of 5-10 µm2 vessels increased by 1. 2 times by day 90 of the experiment, number of 10-15 µm2 vessels increased by 1. 9 times;15-20 µm2 vessels decreased by 9. 7% and 25-30 µm2 vessels decreased by 59. 7%. Conclusions:In cases when «EASY-GRAFT™»osteoplastic material was used revascularization held better than in samples where the healing took place beneath a blood clot. The formation and growth of small blood vessels was more intensive and the process of bone regeneration was optimized.


osteointegration, osteoplasty, revascularization


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 070-074 pages, index UDK 617. 525-089. 844:616. 16-036. 82]-085. 462