Romanenko I. G., Poleschuk О. Yu., Kaladze К. N.


About the author:

Romanenko I. G., Poleschuk О. Yu., Kaladze К. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Periodontal inflammatory diseases are not an isolated stomatologic problem, they are closely connected with changes in other systems. Most often periodontal injuries in children’s and teenager’s age are diagnosed on the background of common somatic pathology. Bronchial asthma is among the most widespread diseases of children’s age and characterized by systemic changes from an organism. In patients with bronchial asthma intensity of caries in the period of a constant occlusion makes 92,9%, non carious injuries of teeth is defined in 72,3% cases, periodontal inflammatory diseases are marked in 100% of cases, edematous of tongue in 30%, petechiae of oral cavity mucous in 70%, dryness of lips in 55%. At periodontal inflammatory diseases and bronchial asthma the uniform immune-inflammatory character of emergence, mentioning both an oral cavity and respiratory tracts most likely takes place. Results of epidemiological researches testify that characters of injuries of periodontal tissues in children appear at enough early age. About 90% of gingivitis cases make catarrhal gingivitis. The observable wide circulation of stomatologic diseases among teenagers and persons of young age demands effective measures for primary prophylaxis and treatment. Revealing of initial clinical forms of gingivitis in children has the big prophylactic orientation. There are the data confirming that fact that gingivitis and parodontitis are consecutive stages of the same chronic inflammatory process. It is proved that timely liquidation of inflammatory process in periodontal tissues in children and teenagers is prophylaxis of parodontitis in adults. Research objective: study of a hygienic state of an oral cavity in children with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis on the background of bronchial asthma. Examination of 12°Children with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis (CGCG) of the light and moderate sever-ity level on the background of BА at the age from 7 till 12 years, which were on sanatorium treatment in children’s sanatoria Evpatoriais carried. 30 healthy children without background pathology with CGCG who arrived to sanato-ria on sanitation have been in parallel examined. Stomatologic diagnosis has been determined because of complex examination: the collection of complaints, the anamnesis, objective examination, an index estimation of a state of periodontal tissues, radiological examination. It has been revealed from the life anamnesis that 88 (73,3%) children did not keep to rules of hygiene of an oral cavity, from them in 80 (66,7%) children did not brush teeth regularly, and in 8 (6,7%) children – individual hygiene of an oral cavity was not carried out at all, and only 32 (26,7%) children keep to rules of hygiene of an oral cavity. As a result of study of a hygienic state of an oral cavity in examined children «good» hygienic state is noted in 16 (13,3%) children, «satisfactory» – in 86 (71,7%), “unsatisfactory” – in 15 (12,5%) and a bad hygienic state – in 3 (2,5%) persons. Determination of hygienic indexes carried out at receiption of the child in sanatorium. The index of a hygienic state of an oral cavity on Green-Vermillion in all examined children was authentically higher rate (р<0,05) and has made 1,19±0,06, thus in children with a light current of intermittent BА it was – 1,07±0,06, and in children with persisting moderateseveritylevelform– 1,57±0,11 that testified about satisfactory hygienic state of an oral cavity. Prevalence of inflammatory changes in a gum on index РМА installed. Index РМА at all group of children has made 15,24±4,61%, and in children with a light current of intermittent BА and persisting moderate severity level disease forms 13,91±0,45% and 19,43±3,50% accordingly that is authentic higher (р<0,001) in comparison with norm. Index CFE in all group of examined children also has been increased in comparison with norm and equaled 1,33±0,29 (р<0,05). In children with alightcurrentintermittentBА index CFI has made 1,25±0,26, in children with persisting form of BА of moderate severity level – 1,59±0,23. For an estimation of a state of periodontal tissues and necessary volume of their treatment registered an index of CPITN. In all examined children average rate of CPITN index has made 1,61±0,35 point (р<0,05) at average quantity of injured sextants on one examined child 4,68±0,02. Correlation dependence between a hygienic state of an oral cavity and the indexes characterizing a state of periodontal tissues – РМА (r= 0,22), CFE (r= 0,44), CPITN (r= 0,72) is installed. Conclusions. After the carried out research we noticed authentic increasing in examined children with CGCG on the background of bronchial asthma of an index of hygiene of Green-Vermillion, РМА, CFE, CPITN that testified about unsatisfactory hygienic state of an oral cavity and involving in pathological process of periodontal tissues.


parodontium, hygienic indexes, children, and bronchial asthma


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 121-125 pages, index UDK 616. 311. 2-002-053. 2/. 6:613:616. 248