Semenova A. K., Yeroshenko G. A., Gasyuk N. V., Stakhanskaya Ye. A., Pudjak V. E.


About the author:

Semenova A. K., Yeroshenko G. A., Gasyuk N. V., Stakhanskaya Ye. A., Pudjak V. E.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Scientific progress in medicine has inspired a wide range of new materials and technologies in a va-riety of prostheses. At the same time there is a problem of pathological reactions of the oral mucosa, the teeth- jaw dentures under conditions of partial and complete loss of teeth. The above data do particularly relevant issue is the detailed structural features of the mouth, tongue and it is normal. The purpose of the study. Identify the structural features of tongue’s epithelial of rats in norm. Material and methods. After euthanasia of experimental animals removed fragments of tongue embedded in Epone 812 by conventional method. Semi-thin sections with thikness 1-2 mcm were obtained at ultramicrotome «Selmi» UMTP-7. As the dyes used polychrome coloring. Sections on color embedded in polystyrene under cover glasses and after polymerization were studied in the light microscope. Results and discussion. In the study of the epithelium and lamina propria of the rats’ tongue, four types of tongue’s papillae, which are based on the connective tissue. The lamina propria formatted invaginations in the epithelium as primary and secondary connective tissues papillae that are less pronounced compared with second-ary connective tissue papillae of man, and in some cases nonexistent. Epithelium of filiform papillae of the tongue is stratified squamous keratinized. In the latter we consider the ortokeratosis – gradual keratinization in separate layers of the epithelium. Unlike other groups, leaf buds compared with similar person does not protrude above the surface of the mucosa, but rather immersed in the thick of it. Type of data papillae keratinization characterized as parakeratosis – in which the mucous membrane has the ability reabsorbed oral liquid. Histologically papillae cir-cumvolate of the tongue should be differences of structure of different surfaces, such as the top and sides. The epithelium of the fungiform papillae are stratified squamous without keratinization. The results of histological examination of the papillae of the tongue epithelium of rats make it possible to identify stereotypical morphological organization similar to humans. The process of keratinization in the rat tongue papilla more intense in comparison with man, reflecting functional and adaptive processes and driven keratinization dependent on the nature of eating rodents.


tongue, papillae, epithelia, keratinization, rats


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 134-137 pages, index UDK 611.313+616-092.9