Slin’ko Y. A., Abramova L. P., Sokolova I. I., Ryabokon’ E. N.


About the author:

Slin’ko Y. A., Abramova L. P., Sokolova I. I., Ryabokon’ E. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Processes activation is a universal mechanism of cellular damage under stress influ-ences, which include hypokinesia. The limitation of motor activity in the last 15-20 years related to the number of common etiologic and pathogenetic harmful environmental factors. Effect of hypokinesia on the state of function-ing of various systems and human organs is studied deeply enough. But the information about the consequences for the offspring of mothers with limited motor activity in the available literature is absent. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the processes of free radical oxidation and antioxidant defense state in the gingival tissues of hypokinetic rats-mothers offspring. Materials and Methods. The hypokinesia conditions modeling experiment was conducted on 12 white female rats of Wistar. After completion of the experiment all the offspring of females (n= 52) at the age of 3 months were obtained from a study under anesthesia with sodium thiopental by decapitation. Material for further study were homogenates gums, which determined the level of inflammatory markers: the concentration of malonic dialdehyde (MDA) and elastase activity, urease activity (a marker of microbial contamination) and lysozyme activity (a measure of innate immunity). Also the activity of the antioxidant enzyme catalase has being established. The degree of dys-biosis (DM) in the gingival tissues has being calculated by the ratio of urease and lysozyme activity, and the antioxi-dant – prooxidant index API has being calculated by the ratio of catalase activity and MDA concentration. Research results. Under the influence of lack of motor activity of female-rats the intensification of free radical oxidation and inhibition of activity of antioxidant defense in the gingival tissues of their offspring. Thus, the concen-tration of MDA in average increased in 2 times (p< 0. 05), elastase – in average in 1. 26 times (p< 0. 05), catalase activity decreased in 3 times (p< 0. 05, and integral antioxidant – prooxidant index decreased in average in 3. 3 times (p<0. 05). Also in the gums of hypokinetic mother offspring reported a significant increase in the activity of microbial contamination marker – urease (in 2 times, p<0. 05) and a significant decrease of lysozyme (in 3 times, p<0. 05), reflecting the state of nonspecific resistance of the gums. Last two measures also led to a significant in-crease in the degree of dysbiosis in the gingival tissues of offspring of hypokinetic females in 2. 9 times (p<0. 05). Conclusion. Experimental hypokinesia mothers during the period of gestation leads to the development of po-tential imbalance indicators pro-/antioksidant gums of their offspring. Also a reduction in the activity of gums pro-tective systems, that contributes to the development of dysbiosis. These biochemical metabolic disorders may further contribute to the development of inflammatory and destructive processes in periodontal tissues.


gums, periodontal tissue, inflammation, dysbiosis, hypokinesia


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 145-147 pages, index UDK 616. 311. 2 – 074: 616. 015. 11: 613. 65] – 092. 9