About the author:
Tkachenko P. I., Gurzhij E. V., Mytchenok M. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The problem of functional relationships of the salivary glands with the digestive system organs is relevant in modern medicine. Interest in this area is largely due to the expansion and deepening of our understanding of their structure and their function. In the regulation of physiological activity of salivary glands, besides the role of the central nervous system, the importance of interoceptive impulses, mainly from the digestive system should be noted and its impact increases significantly under the conditions of pathology. The findings of fundamental morphological studies conducted by E. A. Bychkene and A. V. Hurzhii have convincingly shown that people, suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract had progressive dystrophic process in the parotid glands which leads to its dysfunction, and that is why the severity of these manifestations depends on the degree of the lesion of the the gland tissue structural components. At one time , due to the presence of correlations between the secretory function of the stomach and salivary glands, P. Shyleikis proposed to identify the body system «the stomach – salivary glands». In the regulation of the functional state of the salivary glands, in addition to the central nervous system, the neurohumoral activity and interoceptive impulses, are the most important and their significance and influence increase dramatically under the conditions of pathology. Postoperative parotitis, according to most authors result from neuron reflex action of the internal organs, especially after a surgery on the stomach and intestines, leading to inhibition of secretion production in salivary glands. In patients who underwent a surgery on abdominal organs and had postoperative parotitis, the mortality rate is 53. 9% of cases, and therefore there is a need for preventive measures aimed at preventing this complication. With unquestioning existence of the relationship between functional activity of the salivary glands, and the body organs and systems, options for possible changes in the secretory activity of the glands and the degree of severity in response to surgery for acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity have not been studied yet. Not knowing their morphological status and functional impairment in such diseases as acute appendicitis and peritonitis complicates the treatment and preventive measures aimed at maintaining oral homeostasis in these patients. Objective. To establish the nature of structural changes in the parotid glands of experimental animals with anastomosis of the cecum and peritonitis for further implementation of the results in clinical practice. Object and methods. The material for morphological studies were parotid glands of 41 animals (gilts) at the age of 4-5 months, weighing 50-65 kg. Of these, 20 were used for the acquisition of control results, and the rest were divided into 2 groups to form an experimental model. Conclusions. In anastomosis of the cecum and peritonitis, the parotid glands of experimental animals had stro-mal edema, hyperemia of blood vessels, reducing the volume of glandulocyte nuclei, increasing the surface of the openings in the interlobar and intralobular ducts. Decreased functional activity of the secretory apparatus of the parotid glands with anastomosis of the cecum and peritonitis leads not only to a decrease in production of secretion, but also creates, to our mind, a favorable background for the development of transient reactive degenerative and inflammatory processes in the tissues of the glands. Morphological changes in the structure of the parotid glands and a reduce in their secretory capacity point to the need for complex health care measures aimed at restoring their functional activity in patients with acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity. Prospects for future research. To prevent postoperative parotitis and to increase the possibility of complex treatment of patients with acute surgical pathology of the abdomen there is a need to develop and include it to the preventive measures aimed at supporting the functional activity of salivary glands.
anastomosis, peritonitis, parotid glands
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 174-178 pages, index UDK 616. 316. 5:616. 346-089. 86-092. 9