Ostrovskaya S. S.

Toxic Effects of Cadmium (Literature Review)

About the author:

Ostrovskaya S. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In the literature review data on the toxic properties of cadmium, which is the universal pollutant of the surrounding environment in the world are given. Evaluation of this metal content in the biopsies of kidneys of men was juxtaposed to the information about sources of its action, such as smoking, nutrition status and occupational contact. It was established that accumulation of cadmium occurs in various tissues and organs, but its highest content is observed in the renal cortical substance, where it is preserved during many years’ period (period of half-breakdown is 30 years). This gives possibility for manifestation of its toxicity at any moment, without additional impact, when release of previously bound (non-toxic) cadmium occurs. Increase of lethality rate from 40 to100% was noted in persons with the signs of cadmium-bound nephropathy. Neurotoxic, hematologic, cytotoxic, cytoge-netic and immune-toxic effects of cadmium are well known, its impact on the reproductive system of a human be-ings and animals causes destruction of mother-fetus system. Investigations of functional significance of cadmium for cardiac activity were carried out, and presented literature review focuses on them. This metal possesses a high tropism to vessels endothelium, causing structural and functional changes in the latter. It is considered that the basic mechanism of cytotoxic action is its impact on intracellular processes, which are mediated by calcium. There becomes clear the cause of that “intercellular metabolic chaos” with morphologic changes in the various strata of vascular wall such as endotheliocytes, smooth-muscular cells and nearby cells of connective tissue, which is the result of its cytotoxic action. Cadmium, as well as some other metals causes direct impact on vascular endothelium, which is accompanied by discharge of endothelin, to which smooth-muscular cells have specific receptors and mechanism of action on these cells is linked with activation of entry of calcium ions through potential-dependent calcium canals. The data indicating that accumulation of this metal in the organism causes development of calcium deficit, one of the most important metal-biotic are presented. Lesion of proximal renal tubules with cadmium which inhibits calcium reabsorption plays a key role here, as it is known that 98% of calcium having passed through a tubular filter returns back in the proximal tubules. In the investigations of the author of literature review, for the first time in the experiment there was proved that impact of cadmium salts in the concentration of 1/10 LD50 on adult rats causes increase of arterial pressure and this is followed by decrease of calcium content. In other investigations there was also revealed decrease of calcium by 27,8% in blood serum of rats of 3-months’ age after priming with cadmium in concentration of 1/50 LD50. It is obviously that arterial hypertension in cadmium intoxication may be a variety of calcium-dependent forms of arterial hypertension, cause of the latter is primary defect of calcium ions reabsorption in patients’ kidneys. In such cases correction of arterial hypertension is carried out by increase of calcium intake with food. There are presented data on prophylactic effect of complex of biologic preparations which include calcium; the effect is manifested in decrease of renal toxicity in cadmioses. On the basis of the data presented in the review, the conclusion is drawn that development of calcium deficit in cadmiosis may be the starting point in the development of many pathologies, including those of cardio-vascular system.


cadmium, toxic effects, kidney, cardiovascular system.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 33-37 pages, index UDK 661. 848:616. 1:616. 61