Koziy M. S.

Modifying Influence of the Inhabitancy on Histologic Structure of Bodies and Tissues of Separate Representatives of the Ichthyofauna of Dnepr

About the author:

Koziy M. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


. In oncoecological researches of influence of the modifying factors on the biocenosis of histologic analysis of the tumours of fishes allows us to judge adequately the degree of water pollution from industrial and domestic wastewater. This is necessary to determine hydrobionts as organisms most sensitive to carcinogenic factors in their natural habitat. Research objective was studying of features of micro-level reorganizations of bodies and the tissues of certain representatives of the Cyprinidae family which are in transformed conditions of dwelling. According to observations, the site of water area of the lower Dnieper river is polluted by toxic substances of agrotechnical origin among which are separately identified hydroxylamin; insecticide «BULDOG – ES», «VALUB – NТ»; the mixture of fatty acids, their spirits and aethers in alkan fractions (maximum concentration limit 0,15; 0,00001; 0,055 and 0,5 mg/l). It is defined that in the conditions of technogenic loads of toxic substances at receipt in an organism of fish carry out modifying effect on carcinogenesis, shown in an initial stage in its activation. It is established that the process takes place in target organs. Separate groups of tumors characterized by species-specific. The variant of the firm fibroma is found out in sazan. The tumour has histioidal a structure, consists mainly from fibrocyt and fibroblast, the fibrous component of the tumour veils cytoplasm of cages. Basalioma of the skin belongs to the type of surface multicentric tumors. The mature tumour has a strong de-structive growth, recurs but does not give metastasises. Ameloblastoma of the pharyngeal teeth meets seldom in cyprinidae of the lower Dnieper. Histology of the tumor corresponds to a follicular type. The tumour is presented by isogene dissymetric clusters of epithelial cells which are located in connective tissue stroma. Central areas of clusters composed of polygonal cells with granular cyto-plasm. Cells differ polymorphism and vary greatly in size from high prismatic to flattened. In tumors of this type are small cysts, some of which disintegrates. Cell clusters change their form,the epithe-lium layer is a few flattened in some areas. It is obvious, that existing modern classifications of tumours do not characterize the potential danger of car-cinogens that influence the completeness and reliability of experimental data. Thus, the continuation of histological studies should be carried out in the direction of expansion and deepening of ideas about the mechanism of the effect of modifiers on carcinogenesis. This approach assumes realization of monitoring of population effects of cir-culating carcinogenic substances with the aim of integral assessment of the state of water ecosystem and identify organisms-indicators of environmental contamination by carcinogens and control over their content within waters. Conclusions. The modifying effect in bodies and tissues of fishes is fixed in the form of specific cell-like reor-ganizations that does not depend on paths of an introduction of the carcinogenic agent. The amplifying modifying effect on a carcinogenesis is accompanied by increase in ultimate yield of new growths of different bodies due to expansion of a range of localization. Strengthening of carcinogenic effect is characterized by a variety of histologic options of tumors that has species-specific character.


modifying effect, new growths, cell, tumour, cancerogenesis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 114-117 pages, index UDK 597. 0/5 – 14