Sidorenko А. G.

Features of Influence of Vortex Pulse Magnetic Fields on the Centers of Vegetative Regulation of Activ-ity of the Organism

About the author:

Sidorenko А. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Investigated influence of the vortex pulse magnetic fields created by rotation of a head of a magnet in the right and left direction with a frequency of 80 Hz, on total background electric activity trophy and ergotropic zones of rats hypothalamus. Total getting action of a low frequency magnetic field causes various processes at system (reflex and humoral) and structural and metabolic physiological levels. That is why dynamics of electrical activity of the departments of rats hypothalamus, exposed to the influence of vortex pulse mafnetic fields, could reflect changes of the electric phenomenon accompanying structural transformations. But not an exceptional that fact that parameters of the rats electrohypothalamogram at action of vortex pulse magnetic fields were changed by neuro-humoral responses conducted by the leading role of the hypothalamus. Together with the changes of absolute power waves electrohypothalamogram rats under the influence of magnetic fields of the right and left directions of rotation, we determined the dynamics of spectral power frequency bands electrohypothalamogram, that is their power, normalized to the total power of the electrical activity of the hypothalamus departments. Such approach was based on the fact that the quality indicators in the dynamics of the formation electrohypothalamogram in some cases more informative than quantitative, and may reflect the modulation of the electrical activity of brain rhythms structure relative to each other that cannot be seen when analyzing the values of absolute power. In our research indicators electrohypothalamogram rats who were under the influence of a vortex magnetic field, significantly depended on change of the direction of rotation of a field. Long influence of multidirectional magnetic fields leads to multidirectional changes in electric activity of the rat hypothalamus and with increasing duration of exposure to the effects of the difference increases. It is established that at long influence of the specified magnetic fields in electric activity of the hypothalamus throughout experiment there was an increase in representation a theta- and alpha- like activity which may indicate that the gain in terms of the magnetic field activity that making rhythm in systems of the brain. The described processes are most expressed in the area of the hypothalamus trophotropic when exposed to a magnetic field with the right direction of rotation. Availability synchronization processes can testify about the development of functional changes in the central nervous system that have adaptive significance and can display the increase of nonspecific resistance of the organism in response to the magnetic field. Increased activity of the trophotropic areas of hypothalamus under the influence of a magnetic field is confirmed with researches of balance of vegetative regulation (on behavioural indicators in the “open field” test) and is considered as a reason for the development of natural resistance states based on activation trophotropic reactions in which there is no depletion and irreversible physiological damage. Such result is interesting from the point of view of the modern researches characterizing various parties of the general reaction, induced by use of vortex pulse magnetic fields, in particular increase of the general resistance of an organism. However long influence of magnetic fields can lead to weakening of functional reserves of an organism and emergence of reversible violations of structure and functions. Considering data of quoted works, it is possible to claim that results of our experiments reflected a certain universal regularity of action of electromagnetic radiations on bio objects.


the vortical impulsive magnetic field, hypothalamic electric activity, electrohypothalamogram, synchronization


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 187-190 pages, index UDK 612. 176:612. 014. 4