Toryanik Ye. L.

Comparative Effectiveness of Antioxidants in Fetoplacental Insufficiency in Pregnant Rats

About the author:

Toryanik Ye. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Noncarrying of pregnancy is a common pathology (its frequency is 20-25% of all preg-nancies) that arises as a result of the influence of various factors. The purpose of the research is to study comparative effectiveness of antioxidants in fetoplacental insufficiency in pregnant rats. Object and methods of research. The research has been carried out on 40 pregnant outbred rats, weighted 180, 00–220, 0 g. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in organs’ homogenates had been estimated at inhibition of reduction of nitro tetrazolium blue by superoxide radicals, generated in xanthine-xanthine oxidase system. Activity of glutathionreductase, glutathionperoxidase, glutathione-S-transferase and catalase has been estimated. Anti-oxidant properties of Salgim®, discovered during the experiment, are the grounds for appropriateness of its use in pregnancy failure, associated with lipid peroxidation (LPO) intensive elevation. Results of the research and their discussion. The obtained data showed that modeling of fetoplacental insuf-ficiency, caused by introduction of chlorinated carbon to pregnant rats, reinforces LPO processes in blood, liver, placenta and, especially, in uterus of experimental rodents. In this way content of lipid hydroperoxides increased by the average of 64%, 50%, 36% and 181%, respectively, as compared with control. Content of malonic dialdehyde (MDA), i. e., secondary product of LPO, increased in liver and placenta by 59% and by 33%, respectively, and by 122% in uterus. Serum antioxidant activity, which is the marker of nonenzymatic antioxidant protection condition, decreased by 35%, as compared with this index in controlling rodents (rats with physiological pregnancy course). The activity of all enzymes under study was decreased significantly only in placenta of rats, which were intro-duced with chlorinated carbon; no changes of SOD activity in uterus and activity of glutathionperoxidase and gluta-thionreductase in liver have been observed. Application of Salgim® in rats with modeled fetoplacental insufficiency resulted in LPO primary and secondary products’ content normalization in blood serum, liver homogenates, placenta and uterus. Its effectiveness was greater, as compared with Essentiale® preparation. Salgim® reduced serum antioxidant activity of rodents, which were introduced with chlorinated carbon, to the level of controlling animals, indicating the increase of reliability of nonenzymatic antioxidation. Salgim® showed nearly the same effect as Essentiale® as for the influence on liver antioxidant enzymes’ activity and impact on the activity of peroxidase and catalase in placenta. At the same time both Salgim® and Essentiale® did not prevent decrease in activity of glutathionreductase in placenta, caused by chlorinated carbon. However, Salgim® showed a moderate protective effect as for SOD activity in placenta, while Essentiale® was practically ineffective. Thus, findings on Salgim® effectiveness showed that it normalizes LPO intensity and increases the reliability of antioxidant systems not only in placenta and uterus, but also in blood and liver of pregnant rats with modeled toxic fetoplacental insufficiency. Normalization of liver antioxidant status is of particular importance for obstetrics, since its disorders are frequently occurred during pregnancy and in associated extragenital diseases and severe forms of gestosis. Conclusions. Salbutamol hemisuccinate (Salgim®) is of antioxidant effect, verified by the decrease in free radical oxidation products’ accumulation and increase in activity of enzymes of antioxidant protection. Salgim® facilitates normalization of malonic dialdehyde level in placenta and activity of superoxide dismutase, although no normaliza-tion of glutathionreductase activity has been detected in placenta tissues. Salgim® is the most effective antioxidant as compared with Essentiale® in modeling of fetoplacental insufficiency.


fetoplacental insufficiency, antioxidant and prooxidant condition, Salgim®, Essentiale®.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 195-199 pages, index UDK 618. 2-085. 844. 6