Usmanova Sh. E., Yakubov А. V., Khamraev А. А.

Some Pathways of Correction of Cytoprotection Mechanisms in Indometacin-Induced Gastropathy

About the author:

Usmanova Sh. E., Yakubov А. V., Khamraev А. А.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Effect of inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme (iACE) omeprazole, cytotek and their combina-tions on a state of gastric mucous barrier was studied on experimental model of indometacin-induced gastropathy in rats. Animals were divided into 13 groups each one of 6 rats: 1st group – intact, 2nd – animals with experimental rheu-matoid arthritis (ERA), 3rd – animals with ERA and indometacin gastropathy (GERA), 4th – GERA+Н2О (without treat-ment), 5th – GERA + enalapril, 6th – GERA + lysinopril, 7th – GERA + captopril, 8th – GERA + omeprazole, 9th – GERA + cytotek, 10th – GERA + omeprazole + enalapril, 11th – GERA + omeprazole + lysinopril, 12th – GERA + omeprazole + captopril, 13th – GERA + omeprazole + cytotek. Preparations used were administered per os as water suspension during 10 days in the following doses: enal-april 10mg/kg, lysinopril 8 mg/kg, captopril 7,5mg/kg, omeprazole 50mg/kg, cytotek 0,2 mg/kg. Experimental model of rheumatoid arthritis was reproduced by a single administration of 0,2 ml Freund’s adjuvant into posterior right leg of animal. Indometacin-induced gastropathy was challenged by administration of indometacin per os as water suspension at a dose 2,5 mg/kg during 5 days. How showed studies performed, content of insoluble glycoprotein (IGP) fractions does not practically change for ERA. Substantial reduction of IGP fractions observed to be in animals with indometacin ERA. Composition of sialic acids in them was 69,5% lower than in animals with ERA. Composition of fucose and protein was reducing 55,5% and 48,1% respectively. These results were reliably lower than in control group. Captopril and cytotek were the most effective in treatment of GERA. Content of sialic acids in animals treated by captopril was increasing 136,2%, fucose – 69,7%, protein – 37,4% as compared with a group without treatment. But despite of substantial increase in fractions studying IGP remained lower than in control group. Content of sialic acids in a group with cytotek was increasing 183,3%, fucose – 87,3%, protein – 44,1%. In combined using of omeprazole with captopril content of sialic acids, fucose and protein was increasing 333,3%, 207% and 96,5% respectively. In group of omeprazole with cytotek a level of these fractions was increas-ing 433,3%, 281,7% and 129,6% respectively. These results reliably exceeded control values. In animals with ERA a quantity of the functioning cells was decreasing 5,8% (p<0,05). In GERA equally with reduction of IGP fractions content a considerable decrease in a number of the functioning mucus-producing cells was appeared. У In animals of this group a number of cells was 64,7% lower than in control, and 62,5% lower than in rats with ERA. In groups of animals treated by enalapril and lysinopril a number of the functioning cells was increasing 34% and 48,4% respectively, in treatment with captopril> omeprazole and cytotek – 82,7%, 68,0% and 99,1% respectively. The best results were obtained in combined using of omeprazole with captopril and omeprazole with cytotek. In animals of these groups a number of cells was increasing 204,2% and 232,3% respectively. It was established based on results of studies that iACE have cytoprotective effect in treatment of indometacin gastropathy. The most effective was captopril, which cytoprotective effect equals that in omeprazole and cytotek. Combined using of omeprazole and iACE and cytotek and their cytoprotective pharmacodynamic effect was in-creasing as additive synergism. The most effective are combinations of omeprazole with captopril and omeprazole with cytotek.


indometacin, gastropathy, cytoprotection, treatment


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 200-205 pages, index UDK 616. 33-002. 44-085. 2