Shukurlaev K. Sh., Kurbaniyazova R. K., Kalandarova U. A., Sultanova Sh. J., Khajiev M. S., Bekova N. B.

The Impact of New Thiocarbamate and Thiourea Derivatives on Lipid Peroxidation in Albino Rats with Adjuvant Arthritis

About the author:

Shukurlaev K. Sh., Kurbaniyazova R. K., Kalandarova U. A., Sultanova Sh. J., Khajiev M. S., Bekova N. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the research is to study the impact of new thiocarbamate (UB-421) and thiourea (BIK-15) derivatives on certain indices of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidant enzymes activity in rats’ adjuvant arthritis. These compounds have been synthesized on the Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry at Tashkent Medical Academy. Investigations have been carried out on 48 albino rats of both sexes of mixed population, weighted 160-190 g Conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, i. e., butadiene at a dose of 100 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg of indometacin have been used for comparison. The findings showed that on the 14th day from the moment of patho-physiological model of adjuvant arthritis (AA) reproduction, the significant shifts in LPO systems and antioxidant system (AOS) were observed in rodents’ blood serum. The specific feature of LPO system disturbance was the elevation of chemiluminescence level (CL) by 119,1%, diene conjugates (DC233) – by 58,2%, malonic dialdehyde (MDA) – by 238,2%, and lowering of superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes activity by 50,0% and catalase (CT) – by 55,5%, while estimating the AOS condition in comparison with similar data in intact rodents. Thus, the UB-421 and BIK-15 agents in its preventive and therapeutic introduction with their ability of LPO low-ering and elevating of AOS enzymes activity in rodents with AA, are not inferior to conventional anti-inflammatory agents, i. e., butadiene and indometacin. At the same time, UB-421 and BIK-15, similar to butadiene and indometa-cin, do not lead to the full restoration of the LPO indices to the level of the control values, but statistically significantly increase the activity of АОS – SOD and CT enzymes. Comparatively, UB-421 and BIK-15T agents on their ability to low the LPO level and elevate the AOS activity were statistically indistinguishable. It should be indicated that preven-tive introduction of UB-421 and BIK-15T agents had significant advantage over the therapeutic one. Conclusions. Adjuvant arthritis in rats was associated with significant elevation of LPO level and lowering of SOD and CT antioxidant protection enzymes activity. New derivatives of thiocarbamate UB-421 and thiourea BIK-15 reduce the rates of lipid peroxidation and elevate the activity of antioxidant protection enzymes (SOD and CT), surpassing butadiene and indometacin. Anti-inflammatory effect of UB-421 and BIK-15 is, to some extent, related to their antioxidant properties. Perspectives of further researches. Materials on the experimental study of BIK-15 agent will be referred to the Pharmacological Committee of the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan as for the possibility of its clinical testing as a high-efficiency and low-toxic anti-inflammatory oral dosage form.


inflammation, combination of thiourea and thiocarbamate, adjuvant arthritis, butadiene, indometacin


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 206-211 pages, index UDK 615. 276