Kushnaryova E. A.

Xenotransplantation of testes

About the author:

Kushnaryova E. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of study was to investigate a method of free orthotopic xenotransplantation immature testis. The object of the study were donated testicles (testes) 15 nonlinear white male mice weighing aged 5-7 days, transplanted into the testes of recipients. Recipients have served 30 adult albino male Wistar rat. All animals were obtained from a transplant experiment 10, 30, and 60 day observation. Served as control testes 5 nonlinear white adult male mice. Staining was performed with hematoxylin-eosin, toluidine blue; frozen sections were stained with Sudan III and posed reaction for alkaline phosphatase. The basis of morphometric analysis is based on a systemic approach to the study of parenchymal organs. The data obtained were subjected to statistical processing. Effectiveness of transplantation of the testis was observed in 23 cases out of 30 operations. Transplant rejection reaction was absent. This is due to the fact that in the convoluted seminiferous tubules of immature testis no sper-matocytes of the first order and differentiated germ cells are antigens for their own body, and for the recipient’s body and causing subsequent rejection reaction trasplantanta. Performing in orthotopic transplantation of the testis posi-tion includes maintaining optimal temperatutry and vascularization of the transplanted organ. As a result, achieved the preservation of the blood- testicular barrier graft and its subsequent protection from the immune cells of the recipient. No effect was observed in 7 cases: animals died. At autopsy all the dead animals was revealed necrosis transplants and purulent destruction of the thymus and thyroid. On the 10th day of observation convoluted tubules and blood vessels remained in the peripheral regions of the graft. In the interstitial tissue were observed as differentiated mature Leydig cells and poorly differentiated (fetal) endocrinocytes. Differentiated cells were large, oval or round shape; nucleus of these cells were located in the center and contained a large amount of chromatin. Endocrine mitosis were rarely seen. The central part of the transplanted testis was characterized by desolation, absence of vessels and convoluted seminiferous tubules. In the interstitial tissue was observed a large number of young fibroblasts. With the further development of the transplanted testis occurred a succession of two morphological types of Leydig cells: fetal endocrinocytes as differentiation replaced mature Leydig cells with high secretory activity. On the 30-60 day of observing the main population of Leydig cells was presented highly differentiated mature (de-finitive) cells. Interstitial tissue of the testis was characterized by two types of endocrine location: group (cluster) and single. Group option was observed near the location of the blood vessels of the interstitium (perivazal), single endo-crinocytes met near the shell of some convoluted seminiferous tubules (peritubular). Leydig cell cytoplasm was light, with numerous vacuoles, indicating that their hormone producing function. Transplant rejection reaction was absent. The data of this study allow us to make conclusions about the effectiveness of the method orthotopic free xenotransplantation immature testis. to compensate for androgen deficiency. We believe that this method may be used to treat patients with hypogonadism. Using a bank of cryopreserved testis xenotransplantant material, will help solve the problem of shortage of donor organs and to minimize technical and legal difficulties when used as a human testis donor organ.


xenotransplantation, testis, Leydig cells


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«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 220-222 pages, index UDK 611. 631. 3/. 44:616. 681-007. 41]-003. 93-02 -089. 882-092. 9