M. A. Luchynskiy

Biochemical Markers of Bone Formation in Children with Deformities and Dental Jaw Abnormalities who Lives in Different Regions of the Carpathian

About the author:

M. A. Luchynskiy



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the study was to investigate changes in indicators of biochemical markers of bone formation in children living in different regions of anthropogenic Carpathians, in the presence and absence dental jaw abnormalities and deformities. Were analyzed biochemical markers of bone formation, in terms of calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase levels in serum osteocalcin in 496 children 6 to 15- years of age, living in different regions of the Carpathians. Established that the calcium content in the blood serum of children in persons with dental jaw abnormalities and deformities and without dental jaw abnormalities and deformities plain area was statistically the same, and averaged (2,21±0,04) and (2,22±0,03) mg / dL (p>0,05). Children foothill zone of dental jaw abnormalities and deformities level of calcium in blood serum equal to (2,30±0,04) mg / l, which was at 3,36% lower than in children without dental jaw abnormalities and deformities foothill areas (p>0,05 ), but to 3,60% more than in the plain areas examined (p>0,05). Children mountainous areas, if dental jaw abnormalities and deformities level of calcium in blood serum averaged (2,42±0,04) mg/l, which, in turn, was at 9,01% higher than in children with dental jaw abnormalities and deformities flat area (p<0,001 ) and to 5,22% higher than the data in the foothill area of children dental jaw abnormalities and deformities (p<0,05). The content of phosphorus in the blood serum of children in the presence of anomalies zuboschelepovyh and without all the study groups was not statistically different between them (p>0,05 ), but its concentration in children foothill zone of dental jaw abnormalities and deformities was at 33,82% and mountainous areas – the 48,53% higher than in children with dental jaw abnormalities and deformities living in the flat region ( p<0,01). The content of alkaline phosphatase in dental jaw abnormalities and deformities examined with plain band was at 1,04% lower than in children without dental jaw abnormalities and deformities (p>0,05). Individuals foothill zone of dental jaw abnormalities and deformities level of alkaline phosphatase in serum was lower than the same indicator in children with dental jaw abnormalities and deformities to 1,62% (p>0. 05 ), but higher by 0,12% with respect to such persons in the plain areas of dental jaw abnormalities and deformities (p>0,05). In mountainous areas examined with dental jaw abnormalities and deformities content ALP in serum was 1,25% lower than in children without dental jaw abnormalities and deformities this group (p>0,05 ), but 4,49% higher on data on children and plain 4,37% foothill areas (p>0,05). The content of osteocalcin in serum of children at the flat area was 17,82% lower than in the examined without dental jaw abnormalities and deformities this group (p<0,01). Children foothill zone of dental jaw abnormalities and deformities concentration was OK for 12,50% lower than in children without dental jaw abnormalities and deformities (p<0,05). Children mountainous areas with dental jaw abnormalities and deformities level was OK for 11,01% lower than in patients without dental jaw abnormalities and deformities this group (p<0,05). At the same time, the people of the mountainous areas dental jaw abnormalities and deformities level was OK to 48,53% higher compared with the data of children with dental jaw abnormalities and deformities flat area (p< 0,001) and to 10,99% higher than the similar value in children with ZSCHAD foothill zone (p<0,05). It was found that children with deformities and abnormalities of dental jaw violation of calcium, phosphorus metabolism and changes in biochemical markers of bone formation (alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin) is more pronounced than in children without dental jaw abnormalities and deformities. In females with dental jaw anomalies and deformities in all regions of residence, investigated the imbalance expressed markers of bone metabolism compared with those in young men with dental jaw abnormalities and deformities of these regions in all age groups. Investigated, that this trend is more pronounced in children living in a flat area with a positive dynamics in patients foothill and mountain areas.


children, dental jaw abnormalities and deformities, calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 335-339 pages, index UDK 616. 716+617. 52]-007-053. 5(477)