Sukhina I. S., Sokolova I. I., Nasonova A. M.

Status Monitoring of Oral Cavity in the Breast Cancer Patients, who Comply with the Preventive Hy-giene Measures in the Course of the II Cycle of Chemotherapy

About the author:

Sukhina I. S., Sokolova I. I., Nasonova A. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the current study was to examine the impact of the preventive hygiene measures on the manifestation of the side effects of cytostatic treatment in the oral cavity based on the evaluation of the survey data of patients and the exploration of the oral mucosa status of patients in the course of the II cycle of chemotherapy. Materials and methods. The study involved 89 breast cancer patients (BC), who had received a comprehensive treatment of this pathology (modified radical mastectomy (Madden) + radiotherapy and 1 cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy with the same scheme – CAF) in the clinic “Grigoriev Istitute for Medical Radiology of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” in Kharkiv during the period from 11. 2010 to 12. 2013. Patients were divided into two groups. Patients in Group 1 only brushed their teeth 1 time/day with any toothpaste, without using a mouthwash. During the entire cycle of chemotherapy, Group2 patients complied with a set of preventive hygiene measures, developed by us. Results. During the II cycle of chemotherapy 88.5 % of patients in Group 1 and 66.7 % of patients in Group 2 presented various complaints. Objectively were determined such complaints: dry lips in 52.2 and 14.3 % of patients; rash in the form of whitish papules, towering over the vermilion border of the lips – 17.4 and 2.4 %; in the corners of the mouth – the cracks on the background hyperemic mucosa – 30.4 and 4.8 %; on the back of the tongue – whitish fur that is not removable by a dental scraping tool – 39.1 and 2.4 %; inflamed and bleeding gums – 30.4 and 9.5 %; inflammation and swelling of the oral mucosa – in 21. 7 and 11.9 % of patients. On examination of the 4 patients in Group 1 who did not express any complaints at the end of the II cycle of chemotherapy, only in 2 was found a furred tongue, in the rest of patients the condition of the oral cavity did not differ from the initial one. Of the 21 patients in Group 2 who also did not complaint, in 5 patients was revealed a furred tongue, in 2 – a swelling tongue, in the rest of patients the condition of the oral cavity did not differ from the initial one. Thus, in breast cancer patients chemotherapy was accompanied by the development of cheilitis in 57.7 and 14.3 %; mucositis of varying severity (I-II stage) – in 53. 8 and 50. 8 %; and salivary gland dysfunction in 61.5 and 44.6 %, Group 1 and 2 respectively. Analyzing the obtained data we can conclude that the use of the set of preventive hygiene measures contributes to a reliable reduction of manifestations of the chemotherapy side effects in the oral cavity. Conclusions. In the course of the II cycle of chemotherapy in 88.5 % of breast cancer patients in Group 1 showed signs of dental toxicity: cheilitis – in 65.2 %, mucositis – 60.9 %, salivary gland dysfunction – 69.6 %. Carrying out the preventive hygienic measures helps to reduce the frequency of the manifestations of the side effects of cytostatic treatment in the oral cavity in Group 2 patients to 66.7 %: cheilitis – 14.3 %, mucositis – 50.8 %, salivary gland dysfunction – 47.6 %.


breast cancer, oral cavity, mucositis, chemotherapy, preventive hygiene measures


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 365-368 pages, index UDK 618. 19–006. 6+616. 31:615. 28