Volobuyev V. V.

Economic Efficiency of the Differentiated Approach to Treatment of Non-Psychotic Mental Disor- ders in Survivors of Technogenic Accidents and Catastrophes, Founded on Psychoanalytically-Oriented Psychotherapy

About the author:

Volobuyev V. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. In the article economic efficiency of the differentiated approach, founded on psycho- analytically-oriented psychotherapy in treatment of survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes with non- psychotic mental disorders was examined. The analysis of efficiency in connection with clinical manifestations of non-psychotic mental disorders was conducted. Economic efficiency of introduction of the differentiated approach, founded on psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy in treatment, which is conducted for this contingent of pa- tients on the stationary stage in remote period of action of a strong stress factor, is underlined. Aim of the work. The aim of this work was to study the economic efficiency of application of differentiated ap- proach in the treatment of non-psychotic mental disorders in the persons affected by technogenic accidents and disasters, based on psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy. Material and methods. Among patients (N=140), selected for this research, there were 70 survivors on coal mines and 70 survivors on Chernobyl NPP (ChNPP). The criteria of including were determined by the age of investi- gated persons in the range from 22 to 65 years and by the presence of diagnosis of non-psychotic mental disorder. All patients behaved to survivors. The research was conducted with the use of the «Compatible card of the study of non-psychotic mental disorders in survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes”, BPRS clinical scale, psychodiagnostical scales of Spilberger-Khanin, Zung, Gamilton-anxiety (HARS), Gamilton- depression (HDRS), tests of Lyusher and MMPI, WHO questionnaire of quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF). When evaluating the economic efficiency the cost benefit analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis was used. Results and discussion. We have estimated that the use of differentiated approach to the treatment of this group of patients, based on psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy provides the possibility of projected reducing of the inpatient treatment duration of survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes with the presence of non- psychotic mental disorders by at least 7. 1 days. The average costs of providing medical, psychological and psy- chotherapeutic assistance with minimum time of treatment of survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes in RCPNH-MPC and in Donetsk region are 515 697,65/515 059,25 UAH and 705 222,72/ 704 343,72 UAH, re- spectively, depending on specialist (psychotherapist or practical psychologist), which provides psychoanalytically- oriented psychotherapy. Thus, the calculations that we spent in accordance with contemporary guidelines for economic evaluation of costs in health care institutions, has allowed to receive representation about the financial costs for treatment in stationary conditions of survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes with non-psychotic mental disorders on the example of Donetsk region and of the RCPNH-MPC of Donetsk city, with the analysis of economic efficiency of treatment which includes the developed differentiated approach, based on analytically-oriented psychotherapy, for this category of patients. Conclusions. Efficiency, which was justified economically, allows to use the developed differentiated approach based on psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy at carrying out of medical-diagnostic and preventive mea- sures in stationary conditions in survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes with non-psychotic mental disorders. The average percentages of improvement in the study group, compared to the control, in survivors of tech- nogenic accidents and catastrophes at ChNPP and survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes at coal mines show that differentiated approach, based on psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy, we have devel- oped, at carrying out of medical-diagnostic and preventive measures in stationary conditions is equally effective for survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes with non-psychotic mental disorders who have suffered both at ChNPP and at coal mines. These calculations give an opportunity to the leaders of psychiatric, medico-psychological and psychothera- peutic services to assess the impact of non-psychotic mental disorders in survivors of technogenic accidents and catastrophes at the level of the fixed areas and to attract the attention of the authorities to adequate and equitable resource provision of the services, to support of activities promoting the stabilization of emotional state and to im- provement of the quality of life of this category of patients.


economic efficiency, psychodiagnostic scales, personality features, differentiated approach, psy- choanalytically-oriented psychotherapy, quality of life


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 51-55 pages, index UDK 616. 89