Analysis of Indicators Disablement of Working Population of Poltava Region due Cardiovascular Disease for the Year 2008-2013
About the author:
Golovanova I. A., Khorosh M. V., Oksak G. A., Foshina A. B., Yuhienko M. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Diseases of the cardiovascular system is one of the major problems facing the health care system as a Ukraine as in whole world. Constant growth of cardiovascular morbidity – one of the most important medical and social problems of our time. Cardiovascular diseases account for nearly two-thirds of the causes of mortality and nearly half of the population cause of disability, which leads to significant social and economic costs, reduce the duration and reduced quality of life. The study shows the state of problem of disability in the investigation of cardio- vascular disease in the Poltava region for the period 2008-2013. Analyzing the dynamics of indicators of disability working population were found as follows: there is a gradual increase in disability index of the working population of Poltava region for the period from 2008 to 2011 followed by a gradual decline until 2013. Meanwhile in Ukraine in general, the opposite pattern: disability index of the working population is gradually decreasing from 2008 to 2013 with a temporary rise in 2011. The average growth rate of dis- ability in the population of Poltava region due to CVD is 0. 71 while in Ukraine – 1. 12 . Structural analysis of nosological forms of disability in the working population as a result of heart disease during 2009-2013shows the indicators sustainability. Conclusions. Thus, the study of working-age population figures disability from cardiovascular diseases for the period 2008-2013 years, found: - Increase the level of disability due to CVD population in the Poltava Oblast of 57. 1 per 10 thousand populations in 2008 to 58. 5 per 10 thousand populations in 2013 , the average growth rate is 0. 71 . At the same time in Ukrainethere is a decrease in the level of disability due to CVD working population from 54. 8 to 10 thousand population in 2008 to 51. 4 per 10 thousand population in 2013 , the average growth rate is -1. 12; - Structure of lymphoma causes of disability due to cardiovascular disease remains constant throughout the time : first take cerebrovascular events (48. 8 % -52. 43 % ), second place – Coronary heart disease ( 26. 05 % -31. 07 %) third and fourth – hypertension ( 6. 48 % -10. 08 %) and vascular disease ( 7. 77% -11. 2 %); - The dynamics of lymphoma causes of disability due to CVD should be noted reduction in cerebrovascular events from 6. 1 to 10 thousand people in 2009 (the maximum level of 6. 6 – in 2010) to 5. 4 per 10 thousand population in 2013. Prospects of further research. Given the results of the study believe it is necessary to continue the comprehensive study on cardiovascular disease in the Poltava region: an assessment cardiovascular disease and mortality due to CVD.
: health-care system, cardiovascular disease, disability
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 69-72 pages, index UDK 613. 62+616. 1-056. 24](477. 53)