Zhdan V. N., Golovanova I. A., Lysak V. P., Khorosh M. V.

Analysisincidence of Diseases of the Cardiovascular Diseases in Poltava Region for 2003-2012year

About the author:

Zhdan V. N., Golovanova I. A., Lysak V. P., Khorosh M. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Diseases of the cardiovascular system is one of the major problems faced by the health system in Ukraine and in global world. They occupy the first place among the causes of death of the adult population of our country. The study shows the state of the problem of cardiovascular disease in the Poltava region for the period 2003-2012 years. Diseases of the cardiovascular system is a leader in the over all structure of morbidity and is a major cause of disability, morbidity and mortality in Ukraine and throughout the world. Consequently one of the biggest challenges of health care is not the only treat existing cases of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the maximum direction andefforts at prevention, early detection and prevention as the primary incidence of CVD and CVD complications that have arisen. Ukraine has consistently held comprehensive measures to combat cardiovascular disease, «State program of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, 2006-2010», «State program of prevention and treatment of hypertension in Ukraine for 2011-2020», «Program reimbursement of drugs for patients with hypertension». In terms of reforming the health care system should clearly understand the importance of adequate, timely diagnosis and treatment, and, above all, the prevention of CVD; increase the education of primary care physicians on health Heart disease; promote state and local programs related to cardiac patients. In studying the prevalence and incidence of CVD in Poltava region years 2003-2012 found: - constant height prevalence of CVD: from 6347. 5 per 10 thousand population in 2003 to 7958. 7 per 10 thousand population in 2012. The same dynamics is observed in some nosologies: hypertension – from 2950. 8 per 10 thousand population in 2003 to 3826. 1 10 thousand people in 2012 ; coronary heart disease – from 1872. 1 per 10 thousand population in 2003 to 2473. 4 in 2012. The average growth rate of prevalence are: general – 2. 12 at essential hypertension- 2. 71, with coronary heart disease – 2. 63; - reduced level of primary CVD morbidity : from 669. 1 per 10 thousand population – in 2003 to 10 495 thousand people in 2012. For some forms of lymphoma : hypertension – from 284. 8 per 10 thousand population in 2003 to 200. 0 per 10 thousand population in 2012 ; coronary heart disease – from 195. 2 per 10 thousand population in 2003 to 136. 1 per 10 thousand population in 2012 year. The average growth rate of prevalence are: overall – 3. 1 at essential hypertension- 3. 78, with coronary heart disease – 3. 45; - marked reduction in the growth rate of prevalence of CVD from 2. 29 in 2004 to 1. 93 in 2012, and the incidence of CVD from -2. 80 in 2004 to -3. 60 in 2012; -the structure of the prevalence and incidence of CVD remains constant throughout the investigated time.


health care, cardiovascular disease


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 114-118 pages, index UDK 614. 1+616. 1]. (477. 53)