The Features of Immunological Reactivity in Workers Exposed by Lead
About the author:
Karlova O. O., Yavorovskiy O. P., Sheyman B. S., Tchaikovsky J. B., Osadcha O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The influence of heavy metals on the immune system is an important aspect of modern occupational diseases. In particular, lead as protoplasma poison influences not only on a blood system, nervous and skeletal systems, but is able to cause disorders of the immune system. Therefore the question of resolving the status of the immune response is an important factor in the formation of the subsequent preventive and therapeutic measures. Objective. Set the features of immunological reactivity in patients depending on the lead content of blood. Materials and methods. The study involved 203 patients who were examined at the base of SES MSP number 18 MOH of Ukraine in Kiev, which had a direct professional contact with lead. Patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the amount of lead levels. To the 1st group includes persons with hazardous ( dangerous to health) blood lead levels (2,12 ± 0,013 mcmol / l), to the second group included patients with acceptable lead content of blood. However, was identified two groups of patients according to clinical manifestations of the patients: second group – the level of lead 1,92 ± 0,013 mcmol / l, the third group – the level of lead 1,72 ± 0,028 mcmol / l. Studied patients were male. The average age of the patients of the 1st group ( 51 persons ) was 43,5 ± 1,3 years; 2nd ( 46 people ) – 39,9 ± 1,8 years, 3rd ( 49 people ) – 40,3 ± 1. 4 years. The control group included 57 healthy patients (males), average age was 44,7 ± 1,5 years. Immunological examination was performed by the standard method. Results: the immunological changes in patients of the first group indicate on exhaustion of the immune response in the development of immune cell CD3 +, CD 4 +, CD 8 +, CD16 + and CD 22 + humoral immunity. For the second group of patients is characterized by exhaustion of the immune response in the development of immune cell (reduced subpopulations of CD3 +, CD 4 +, CD 8 +, CD16 +) and CD 22 + humoral immunity. For the third group of patients characterized overactivity of the immune system, manifested as excess cellular immunity, namely, CD3 +, CD 4 +, CD 8 + and CD 22 + humoral immunity at the level of unmodified CD 16 +. Conclusions. In patients with microsaturnism were set the features of immunological manifestations depending on the lead content of blood. These changes are linked with the lead content of blood.
immunogram, lead, and lymphocytes
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 148-152 pages, index UDK 615. 916 ‘1 : 546. 815:612. 017. 1:576. 3