Kondratyuk N. Yu.

Main Principles of Carrying out of Target Screening in Family Doctor Practice

About the author:

Kondratyuk N. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries on background formation in states of the world essentially new directions of activity of existing health care systems, major strategic objectives which are in the plane of prevention and early detection of diseases, the great value was got with new approaches to the organization of preventive ex- aminations, has changed understanding about principles of general clinical examination. The purpose of research – to highlight the basic principles of organization and screening by doctors of general practice/family medicine on the basis of international experience and results of modern researches. Methods: Content analysis, information and analytical, bibliosemantic. Results of research and their discussion. The main purpose of clinical examination is carry out of set of meas- ures directed on formation, preservation and strengthening public health; preventions of diseases; reduce morbid- ity level, disability and mortality of the population; increase active longevity. Clinical examination is carried out by health care facilities of state and municipal ownership and, if necessary, with involvement of medical educational institutions, research institutes. As to a primary link of medical care provision, the family physicians in this process is carried out medical examinations, determine, if necessary, additional volumes of surveys and consultation of other specialists, group of clinical supervision. In other words – spend screening, whish primary goal is formation contingents (risk groups) that have the greatest probability to get ill and need to introduce measures under preven- tion of adverse influence of risk factors for disease and also selection of individuals who are really sick at different stages. In general screening surveys are spent free of charge, purpose of their carrying out is early revealing and pre- vention among population basic illnesses of cardiovascular system, diabetes, glaucoma, pretumoral and visual malignant forms of cancer (colon and rectum and among women – cervical and breast cancer), chronic nonspecific lung diseases. The results of screening also use for studying prevalence of researched disease (or group of dis- eases), risk factors of its development and their relative importance. The main conditions of screening carrying out is presence of trained staff and standard approach to identify to studying attribute and evaluation of the received results. Used methods should be simple enough, reliable and reproduced. It is necessary that they had sufficient sensitivity and high specificity. Conclusions. Application of standard obligatory volume of inspections at clinical examination can not be con- sidered as an effective measure for diseases prevention. Moreover, both frequency of inspections and periodic surveys content should be compared with each person, and it is necessary to be confident that the given procedure will be clinically effective. At present it is considered that the basic attention should be given on individualized sur- veys, taking into account their potential clinical efficiency and gathering of reliable data that proves effectiveness of specific preventive measures.


clinical examination, screening, preventive examinations, family doctor


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 173-176 pages, index UDK 364. 444:347. 61. 007