Analysis of Fatal Injuries in Cases of Death from Mechanical Injury in Donetsk for 2011-2013
About the author:
Korobko I. S., Babkina E. P., Kalashnikov D. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. Mechanical trauma and its consequences occupies one of the most important places in the structure of causes of mortality. In this regard, the relevant question is the establishment of a mechanism causing injuries and limitations, sequences causing damage frequency and characteristics of injuries, including abdominal organs, the number of which in recent years has increased significantly. Aim. The aim of the study was to examine and analysis of mortality of different types of mechanical trauma in the Donetsk oblast bureau of forensic medical examination for the last three years. Material and methods. Were examined and treated by methods of variation statistics acts forensic investigation and conclusions of the expert of thanatological department of the Donetsk Regional Office forensics (Donetsk) for 2011-2013. Results and discussion. Our analysis according to the records of the Donetsk regional bureau of forensic medi- cal examination for the last 3 years (2011-2013) in Donetsk proved that among the victims of violent death took sec- ond in deaths from mechanical injury and ranged from 26 to 38% that in recent years has not significantly changed. For all the years analyzed the ratio of deaths from mechanical injury by sex slightly changed, but basically, there was a significant difference in mortality levels among men and women. Thus, in all age groups from 20 to 60 years, the death rate of men is almost 3 times higher than the death rate of women. Over the years the majority of deaths from mechanical trauma – people of working age 20-60 years. Among the mechanical damage first takes an injury caused by blunt hard objects, which amounted to 79. 2 %. The largest number of deaths in this group accounted for injuries resulting from blunt objects causing them to different parts of the body and made up 44. 5% of all cases. Second place goes to auto injury, which amounted to 28. 1 %. In third place are injuries from falling from a height, from which lost 17. 6 %. Next is motor trauma which made 5. 4 % and ranked fourth. Metallic injury is in fifth place and is 4. 4 %. Damage caused by sharp objects in second place after injury by blunt objects. They amounted to 12. 2 % of total deaths. Among the injuries with sharp objects piercing the majority of damage and cutting. Gunshot injury occupy third place respectively up 8. 6%. In the more damage inflicted bullet weapon prevailed over the damage caused by fractional instrument. The structure of mortality from injuries prevailed number of deaths from traumatic brain injury, second place is connected to the injury, and the third divided trauma of the chest and the ab- dominal cavity. It should be noted that most of the victims died at the scene, especially in cases of falls from height and automobile accident or during transportation to medical facilities. An important fact is that 51. 4% of victims were intoxicated, mostly mild or moderate degree. Conclusions. The analysis showed that the structure of the second violent death takes mortality from mechani- cal injury. Among the causes of death from mechanical injury first take damage with blunt objects (79. 2 %), followed by injuries occur from exposure to sharp objects (12. 2%) and firearms (8. 6 %). There is a significant number of deaths of persons of working age 20-60 years, dominated men. Among those who died from mechanical damage prevails number of deaths from traumatic brain injury, second place is connected to the injury, and the third divided trauma of the chest and the abdominal cavity. 51. 4 % of the victims at the time of injury were intoxicated. Further statistical studies are necessary and promising, due to the constant increase in the current circumstances of inju- ries, to develop preventive measures to reduce mechanical injury.
violent death, mechanical trauma, the statistical analysis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 1 (110), 2014 year, 177-179 pages, index UDK 312. 2:340. 6(477. 61)