Bandrivsky Y. L.

Peculiarities of Pedagogical Communication with Foreign Students in Ukrainian Universities

About the author:

Bandrivsky Y. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Now the increased demands on the professional pedagogical communica­ tion with foreign students. During the joint work aimed at professional and personal development of in­ ternational students is a very important part of the constructive pedagogical interaction with them. Experience shows that sometimes a mismatch of psychological and pedagogical training academics requirements is presented. We believe that today there is a contradiction between the thorough training of teachers on the subject and the lack of preparation for the professional pedagogical communication. The aim – to identify educational environment conducive to fruitful interaction of teachers with foreign students in the process of pedagogical communication. Research results and discussion. During the period of study in higher education of foreign students, the teacher must build pedagogical communication to the specific nature of intercultural student with the teacher. It is very important initial stage of training foreign students, which is complex and controversial period of adaptation. The most important adaptation following steps: • Overcoming the language barrier; • Joining the staff of the student; • The acquisition of basic norms of the international community; • Formation of behaviors; • Developing a sustainable positive attitude towards their future profession. At the stage adaptation of foreign students having trouble with the demands of high school, with their status as a foreigner in the country, with the features of developmental psychology, with their national and psychological char­ acteristics. At this stage, communication between teacher and foreign students as members of different cultures can occur in different ways: it can be successful or, on the contrary, lead to difficult problems solved. And solving these problems depends on: • proper construction of the educational process; • rapid educational, social and psychological adjustment; • contact the foreign student with the teacher and other students enrolled in higher education, and the peo­ ple around them; • availability of textbooks; • providing foreign groups studenntiv literate and experts; Formation of cross­cultural communication “ involves telling three main components: • ethnopsychological (due to mental peculiarities of national cultures); • behavioral (conditioned mental peculiarities of national cultures); • caused by their own national and cultural “language meaning”. Conclusions. According to many authors, for more effective teaching of communication necessary communica­ tion skills of teachers working with international students, such as the ability to: • come into contact with any conditions, even without knowing the language mediator; • manage their emotions, especially their culture over the culture of foreign students; • manage the well­being and mood in any circumstances; • create psychological contact and emotional atmosphere in the classroom; • to influence foreign audiences, depending on its internal structure; • organize scientific and creative activities of foreign students; • ability to avoid cross­cultural and other conflicts in the classroom; • sustain optimal rate of communication that is particularly difficult in an international audience; • understand the motives of foreign students in communication with the teacher and students together.


foreign students, teacher, ethnic psychology, ethnopedagogics


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 50-53 pages, index UDK 371. 313­053. 64:377. 4