Dovganych N. V.

Optimization of Independent Work of Students of Medical College

About the author:

Dovganych N. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The successful implementation of the specialist’s professional duties in the information­oriented society largely depends on the formation of his abilities to find the information independently and quickly, as well as, organize it, and put into practice creatively. However, the formation of the aforementioned skills have to begin in the process of future specialists training. Educational process in the higher and secondary schools should be aimed at training an educated professional who knows how to think initiatively and creatively, enrich his or her knowledge independently and put it into practice. The success of specialist training depends on many factors, one of which is a student’s independent work. Therefore, the main task is not a set of reproductive instructions of ‘ready knowledge’, but an active organization of students’ independent work. Independent work is one of the forms of training which plays an important role in learning, promotes expansion, broadening and consolidation of students’ knowledge. It also facilitates the formation of the research work skills, contributes to the ability to analyze a scientific text, evaluate the other authors’ judgments, draw conclusions and generalizations. So in order to fulfill this task we need to improve teaching and educational process , develop new methods and forms of interaction between a teacher and a student, encourage independent work among young people. Life itself has proved that only the knowledge that a man has acquired independently through his own experience, thoughts and actions becomes his real achievement. Therefore, there has been a tendency towards the increase of the amount of hours for self­study in the secondary and higher educational institutions. Mastering the skills and abilities of independent work is an essential condition for constant education. The implementation of this objective is closely related to the growing role of independent work in the educational process. Modern programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the medical specialties of the higher and secondary educational institutions are to assign independent work for students under the guidance of a teacher from 1/3 to 2/3 of the total training time. This is an indication that the independent work is an important provision for increasing the efficiency of specialists’ training. However, the analysis of psychological and educational research, medical instructional materials and research works results suggest that most of the students (50 %) lack willingness to the new forms of independent work which becomes apparent in the lack of the required skills and abilities, and also necessary motivation and attention to this form of work. Students’ motivation for educational activities will be increased if the lectures and independent work do not duplicate each other. The aim of our research is to analyze the theoretical and methodological principles of independent work and develop approaches in guiding independent work of the 1st year students of the medical college, in developing knowledge, skills and qualities that will be needed to solve educational aims in the future. In this regard, we have investigated the nature and objectives of independent work in teaching institutions of higher education. Principles, forms, terms of independent work and its evaluation criteria have been defined. Recommendations for diverse independent work have been developed which are aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and personal qualities of the first year students of medical college.


independent work, complementary approach, organization of educational process


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 54-58 pages, index UDK 37. 011. 32+371. 322