Bondarevа A. V., Artyuhyna L. I., Bagmut I. U., Polischuk T. V., Zhukov V. I.

Influence of Polyoxypropylenepolyols on Metabolic Processes and Detoxifying Function

About the author:

Bondarevа A. V., Artyuhyna L. I., Bagmut I. U., Polischuk T. V., Zhukov V. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Chemical industry is evolving and so alien various chemical compounds accumulate in the environ­ ment. Many xenobiotics can form the development of long­term effects. Some xenobiotics are harmful to human health, fauna and flora, form of the disease and pathological conditions. The chemical compound under certain conditions may be a cause of acute and chronic poisoning. In this regard, the current study is desingen to pre­ dict the potential hazards of chemical compounds and the development of preventive measures aimed at health strengthening and maintaining. Selection of a new group polyoxypropyleneglycol with molecular weight 502 (P­502) and polyoxypropilentriol with molecular weight 503 (P­503) with regulated physic­chemical properties was justified by their wide use in vari­ ous, high­volume production and lack of prognostic evaluation of the potential danger to warm­blooded animals and the environment. The influence of polyoxypropilenpolyols on the carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, antioxidant system and detoxifying processes of xenobiotics in the conditions of subacute experiment was studied. On the basis of acute toxycation parameters P­502 belongs to the median lethal compounds (the 3rd class of danger). The median lethal DL50 for mice and white rats were set respectively at levels of 3. 04 and 2. 6 g / kg animals weight. The median lethal doses for P­503 are defined at the level of 21,3 and 20,2 g/kg weight of animals. P­503 is a low­toxic substance (the 4th class of danger). The research programme has envisogel performing a subacute experiment on eugemic white rats of WAG population, weight 180­200g, when they were daily entered water solution of xenobiotics in doses 1/100 and 1/1000 DL50 in the morning before eating. The control group received drinking water. The experiment was carried out during 45 days. Xenobiotics have not studied the species sensitivity and cumulative properties. Fifty animals were used for experiment each group consisted of 10 rats. Polyols in doses 1/100 DL50 activate the process of amino acids transamination and their break­down. It was linked with the increase of urea and cretinine levels. The similar dynamics was observe for indices of lipid metabolism. Xenobiotics did not affect protein and nitrogen­containing compounds metabolism in 1/1000 DL50. Polyols DL50 increased the level of ketone bodies, free fatty acids and cholesterol in blood in doses 1/100. In blood levels of ketone bodies was increased by 475 % and 566 %, the fatty acids by 137 % and 155 %, сholesterol by 107 % and 102 %. In the conditions of subacute experiment the use of xenobiotycs in doses of 1/100 DL50 led to hypoglycemia, which might indicate in toxyfication of the organism, dificiency of glucocorticoids, glucagon and thyroid hormones. The activity of glucose­6­phosphatase was also decreased. Glucose was decreased by 32 % and 37 % glycogen in the liver – 82 % and 80 %, and the activity in microsomal fractions of the glucose­6­phosphatase and 74 % to 67 %. The study of detoxifying function of liver revealed decrease of the activity of UDP­glucuronyltrsnsferase and concentration of redused glutathione in liver. UDP­ glucuronyltrsnsferase activity was decreased by 48 % and 51 %, reduced glutathione decreased by 54 % and 56 % and 53 % cysteine and 47 %. Oxidized glutathione is increased by 60 % and 53 % when exposed to 202­M and M­50. The results show that polyols P­502 and P­503 to 1/100 DL50 enhance transamination processes of decomposition of amino acids and proteins. Xenobiotics increase catabolism of lipids, lead to the accumulation of ketone bodies and accelerate free radical processes. Also notes the development of hypoglycemia. All these changes are accompanied by inhibition of antioxidant and detoxifying liver function. In our further investigations influence of polyoxypropylene on detoxifying function of the liver using following markers: activity of glucuronide and glutathione metabolism enzymes.


polyols, antioxidant system, detoxification processes


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 110-113 pages, index UDK 577. 121:543. 395:616­099­092. 9