Klimenko N. A., Kucheryavсhenko M. A., Bagmut I. Yu., Zhukov V. I.

The State Function of Detoxification and the Main Types of Metabolism in Animals Exposed Orally Sub- toxity Influenced by Laproxide

About the author:

Klimenko N. A., Kucheryavсhenko M. A., Bagmut I. Yu., Zhukov V. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In subacute experiment (45 twenty­four) on white rats it was modelled intoxication by laproxids L­500 and L­303, in dose of 1/10 and 1/100 LD50, i. e.: 26,7 and 5,75 g/kg of the animal mass. Substances in 1/1000 LD50 did not influence on metabolism in to various organs and tissues. Laproxids water solutions were introduc­ ing into experimental animals (n = 70) in morning before feeding with help of metal tube intragastricaly in dose of 1/10; 1/100; 1/1000 LD50. Control group (n = 10) was receiving the same volumes of drinking water. After subacute experiment termination we had been investigation in blood serum protein change containing. Substances inves­ tigation increased Ast, Alt, γ­GT, AF, KFK, KFK­MV and LDG. Monitoring indicators protein metabolism revealed increase in the blood urea, creatinine and decreased total protein and albumin. The obtained increased into blood creatinine on 112,81 % and 94,86 %, urea on 258,69 % and 173,91 % on the background decreased general pro­ teins on 26,82 % and 21,03 %, albumin by 30,0 % and 18,02 %. Similar dynamics urea change, creatinine, general proteins and albumins observation into groups animal was toxicant L­500. L­303 decreased content glucose into blood on the 56,61 % 28,46 %, of glycogen in the liver to 82,48 % and 45,0 %, and the activity of glucose­6­phos­ phatase in microsomal fraction on 67,01 % and 47,01 %. Analogical dynamic index carbohydrate change discover under the influence of L­500. It was stood laproxids on influence lipid change discovery increase in blood serum: TAG, ketone bodes, fad free acids, cholesterol, and level malonyle dialdehyde at diens conjugation also. The ef­ fected strong laproxids in dissociation lipids, stimulation ketogeneses and peroxide oxidation lipids process. The results point out protein, carbohydrate, lipid, minerals change accompanying increase ionic metallic in blood serum into showing development membranes pathology, this is ability many violation intracellular metabolism include sys­ tem detoxication heterologous chemical compound. Studying detoxication system liver which are inhibition activity UDF­glucuronyltransferase, glutathione­S­transferase and content recovery glutation, and summation CoA. Laproxide L­303 and L­500 in 1/10 and 1/100 LD50 under subacute effect on white rats stimulate in organism freeradical processes and antiperoxide defense system activation against a background significant stress of adap­ tic mechanisms. Laproxide L­303 and L­500 in 1/10 and 1/100 LD50 violation proteins and nucleic metabolism in experimental animals liver. In 1/100 LD50 they intensify proteins and nucleic acids metabolisms against a back­ ground significant tension of defensic­adaptic reactions, directed to intensification of restoration syntheses and plastic function of liver. Under dose in 1/10 and 1/100 DL laproxide of L­303 and L­500 inhibit activation of antioxidant system and xe­ nobiotics detoxification system, and activate freeradical processes, lipid peroxidation, that is evidence of adaptic mechanisms frustration and dysfunction of systemic­antisystemic interactions of oxidantic and antioxidantic sys­ tems. This phenomenon possible may linked with significant stress of the protective­compensatical mechanisms which lead to the enhancement of the restoration synthesis in the affected organs and systems structures. Thus, we had revealed the laproxide L­303 and L­500 in 1/10 and 1/100 DL violation protein, carbohydrate, lipid, minerals metabolism, accompanying prevalence catabolic process over anabolic syntheses. That founded devel­ opment membranes pathology and many structural­metabolic violation and pathology condition. These results tes­ tify to the laproxide lead to development of the endogenic intoxication in organism; hyperacidity; the disorder of liver, kidneys, pancreas funtions.


xenobiotics, protein, carbohydrate, lipid, minerals metabolism, white rats


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 138-143 pages, index UDK 612. 017. 1:616­099­008. 9­092. 8:547. 395