Lazarev E. V., Vorobey E. S., Voronkova O. S.

Sensitivity to Antibiotics and Medicinal Products Bacteriophages the Filmforming and Non-Filmform- ing Strains of Staphylococcus Aureus

About the author:

Lazarev E. V., Vorobey E. S., Voronkova O. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


As a result of the study of S. aureus 13 strains isolated from the reproductive tract of women, their ability to form biofilm, susceptibility to antibiotics and commercial preparations bacteriophages drugs were defined. Under the study of filmformation of experimental cultures for 8 strains (61.5 %) ability to form biofilm was showed. Under biofilms microscopy revealed distinct groups of staphylococcicells. Studied strains were most sensitive to cefazolin, imipenem, doxycycline, netylmicyn, clindamycin, ofloxacin and linezolid. Sensitivity to them varied from 84.6 % to 100.0 %. Low ranges of sensitivity were observed to benzylpeni­ cillin and erythromycin (23. 1 %). In our studies discovered that tooke place a differences in sensitivity to antibiotics between filmforming and non­filmforming strains. Sensitivity of eperimental strains to cefuroxime hadsignificantly difference. Among the filmforming strain sensitivity was less than 25 %, while among non­filmforming strains was higher up to 80 %. Sen­ sitivity to clindamycin had less difference: 75 % of the filmforming strains and 100 % non­filmforming strains were sensitive. In the case of linezolid opposite trend was shown. The sensitivity of filmforming strains was higher than non­filmforming strains (100 % and 80 % respectively). Study of the 13 strains of S. aureus sensitivity to piobacteriophage polyvalent, intesti­bacteriophages liquid and staphylococcal bacteriophage liquid showed that highest sensitivity was to staphylococcal bacteriophage liquid (46.2 %), the lowest – topiobacteriophage polyvalent (23.1 %). Sensitivity to bacteriophage drugs varied considerably in the filmforming and non­filmformingstrains. Sensitivity to staphylococcal bacteriophage of the filmforming strains was 37. 5 %, fornon­filmforming strains– 60 %. A similar pattern was observed for intesti­bacteriophage and piobacteriophage: sensitivity of non­filmforming strains was higher (60 % and 40 % respectively) comparatively to filmforming (25 % and 12.5 % respectively). Study of sensitivity to bacteriophages of S. aureus filmforming and non­filmforming strainsshowed that the abil­ ity to filmformation bind with less susceptibility to all studied phages drugs. Also fornon­filmforming strains ob­ served high sensitivity not only to staphylococcal bacteriophage liquid, but also to intesti – bacteriophage liquid. Our results indicate that the film­forming strains of bacteria more resistant to action of antibiotic and bacte­ riophages drugs make troublesin fighting with them. So promising is the continuation of more detailed studies of the impact on planctonic cultures and biofilms are formed by these strains of different substances, that will help to develop strategies to use them for treatment of the human diseases, caused by filmforming strains of bacteria.


staphylococci, filmformation, bacteriophages, antibiotics


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 275-278 pages, index UDK 579. 61:616­078