Nekhanevich O. B.

Features Cardiohaemodynamic in Athltes with Mitral Valve Prolapse according Exercise Stress Echocardiography

About the author:

Nekhanevich O. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Backgraund. Particular risk in matters of admission to sports persons up to the presence of mitral valve prolapse, which occurs among athletes according to different authors with a frequency of 24­34 %. People with mitral valve prolapse have an increased risk of serious complications such as bacterial endocarditis, cerebral embolic complications, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, sudden death. Echocardiography is the primary method of noninvasive imaging in cardiology. In most cases, it is performed at rest and cannot give an answer to the acute changes in the cardiovascular system during the intense exercise athletes. To solve these problems in practice used stress­echocardiography. Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate the nature of violations cardiohemodynamics under the influence of physical activity in athletes with mitral valve prolapse according to the stress echocardiography. Methods. We have examined 72 athletes aged 9 to 40 years. The core group were included 26 (36. 1 %) athletes with mitral valve prolapse. Athletes were determined by echocardiography indices of cardiac hemodynamics at rest and after graduated exercise on a bicycle ergometer. Results. The degree of regurgitation of blood during systole into the left atrium in a state of relative calm in proportion to the increase in the value increased mitral valve prolapse. Thus, among the core group of athletes was statistically significantly more people with regurgitation grade II (46. 2 % vs. 9.1 %), and in control – the return flow of blood within the mitral valves (50.0 % vs. 23.1 % ), Pearson’s chi­square test 13,2, df = 2, p = 0,001. A standardized amount of physical activity of athletes with mitral valve prolapse increased to 34 (47.2 %). In this case, 11.1 % of the core group was marked mitral valve prolapse II degree. Results of the analysis indicate a sta­ tistically significant effect on the value of mitral valve prolapse severity to regurgitation when performing physical activity (f = 5.1, p = 0.03). Conclusions. This paper demonstrated the use of stress echocardiography with physical activity for the diagno­ sis of cardiohemodynamics athletes with mitral valve prolapse. 1. Prevalence of mitral valve prolapse among athletes is 36. 1 %. 2. Established that resting levels mitral regurgitation increases in proportion to the degree of mitral valve prolapse. 3. During exercise increases the value of mitral valve prolapse, which is accompanied by an increase in the severity of mitral regurgitation. This should be considered when constructing a training and competitive programs.


athletes, mitral valve prolapse, stress echocardiography, regurgitation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 334-337 pages, index UDK 61:796