Bezvushko E. V.

Prevention of Dental Caries in Children Residing in Unfavorable Environmental Conditions

About the author:

Bezvushko E. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Numerous studies show that in recent years due to the deterioration of the ecological environment, the development of general somatic diseases increases, the resistance of the child’s body and its adaptive­ compensatory possibilities reduces significantly. Environment plays a significant role in the occurrence of dental diseases. Аim of study. To substantiate the dental caries preventions in children residing in different levels of total pollution areas. Material and methods. During 2006­2013 years 2685 children were examined in 20 towns of Lviv region in key groups of 7, 12, 15 years old, living in different levels of environmental pollution. Moreover, 212 children were under the supervision, undergoing comprehensive preventive measures. Assessment of dental caries affection was conducted according to WHO recommendations in compliance with the following indicators: the prevalence (in %), the intensity by DMFT index. To assess the impact of the environment on the state of hard tissues of teeth and to work out the preventive measures, in addition to clinical examination of children the biochemical and immunological properties of oral fluid, structural and functional indicators of oral cavity has been investigated. The obtained results that are presented in previous publications, served as the basis for the substantiation of preventive interventions for children residing in unfavorable environmental conditions. Results. The results of epidemiological studies have shown that the prevalence of dental caries in children residing in areas with high levels of pollution, average out at 84.8 %, and intensity – 4,01 ± 0,32 of tooth which is higher than in children with low levels of contamination – respectively 81,73 ± 4,2 % and DMF – 3,65 ± 0,21 of tooth. On the basis of these studies, for the prevention of dental caries in children residing in the contaminated environment, a complex treatment and preventive measures has been developed. It includes: children’s hygiene training at the individual and the mass level, rational choice of hygiene products, professional oral hygiene, facilities of exogenous prophylaxis of teeth decay (fissure sealing, remineralization therapy, deep fluoridation), endogenous use of calcium supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes, sorbents, adaptogens. Intensive application of facilities of remineralization therapy is caused by low calcium content in the oral fluid and reduced mineralization potential. The use of gels, supersaturated with calcium and phosphate ions with respect to their concentration in the oral fluid, allows preserving the mineralized components in free active state and thereby ensuring their penetration into the crystal enamel lattice. For the correction of mineral homeostasis of the children’s organism it is advisable to use a drug of natural origin “Biokaltsevit”, calcium containing drug “Calcinova. ” With the purpose of elimination of eco toxicants from the organism and reducing their toxic effects on the organism, sorbent “Enterosgel” courses are recommended twice a year. For the correction of vitamin and mineral status of organism of children it is necessary to use vitamin and mineral complex “Alphabet. ” Complex “Alphabet” is advisable to appoint as well to children from the risk group of occurrence of chronic catarrhal gingivitis. For the correction of pathogenic processes in periodontal tissues «Askorutin” should be recommended, 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month. Conclusions. For the prevention of dental caries in children residing in ecologically unfavorable conditions it is advisable to apply a complex of exogenous prophylaxis that includes: professional oral hygiene, fissure sealing of molars and premolars, covering of teeth by fluoride containing varnishes and calcium phosphate gel «Tooth­ Mouse» 4 times a year, deep fluoridation 2 times a year, using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash. To increase the organism resistance to negative environmental factors, ensuring dental and physical health of children it is recommended to use the multivitamin­mineral complexes, calcium supplements, sorbents, adaptogens.


children, environment, prophylaxis, caries


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 338-342 pages, index UDK 616. 314–002–053. 2–092:612. 014. 4]–084