Berezhnaja E. Ed.

Qualitative Changes of Oral Microflora Composition in Children with Chronic Catarrhal Gingivitis in Different Areas of Poltava Region

About the author:

Berezhnaja E. Ed.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Gingivitis is a common inflammatory reaction of the connective tissue in response to the activities of the plaque microflora that causes damage dentoalveolar epithelium. Pathogenicity of microorganisms in the area of dentoalveolar furrows where there are all necessary conditions for the accumulation of plaque, plays a crucial role in the progression of gingivitis and periodontitis in its transition. With the development of gingivitis and periodontitis periodontal tissue invasion by microorganisms is accompa­ nied by bacteremia. The presence of bacteria in the intercellular substance and in epithelial cells and connective tissue confirmed by many studies, with the deepest periodontal get in spiryly and protozoa. Based on the foregoing, the purpose of our study was to investigate the quality of the plaque microflora in chil­ dren depending on the concentration of fluoride in water in different regions of the Poltava region. To solve this problem, we have by 102 children aged from 11 to 16 years who lived in regions with different fluoride content in drinking water and in about the same social conditions. A survey conducted at the Poltava City, Kremenchug children dental clinic and Karlovka central hospital. Children, depending on the content of fluoride in drinking water, were divided into 3 groups: I – the children of the region with an optimal fluoride content in drinking water (Poltava, 24 children); II – the children of the region with low fluoride content in drinking water (Kremenchug, 34 children); III – the children of the region with high fluoride content in drinking water (Karlovka, 44 children). In laboratory studies using plaque with the cervical area of the tooth and dentoalveolar furrow. Biopsy speci­ mens was performed with a sterile needle root turundas then transferred it to a clean, fat and partitioned glass slide with a thin layer on the surface and dried. Coloring agents was performed by Gram. During the survey we found that the structure of periodontal disease prevailed abnormal inflammatory disorders – chronic catarrhal gingivitis. Thus, in all 24 children Poltava and Kremenchug 34 children were found localized chronic catarrhal gingivitis; and only in Karlovka where a high concentration of fluoride in drinking water in 9 children (3,96 %) we found a generalized chronic catarrhal gingivitis. No signs of periodontitis in any child was found. Compared with normal oral microflora in children Poltava quality of the plaque almost coincide: the smears were present gram­positive and gram­negative cocci, rod­shaped (monobatsylls) and meandering (spirochetes) forms, pseudo yeast fungi; whereby dominant coccal flora, mainly streptococci. This pattern was typical for children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and with them. In Kremenchug (low content of fluoride in drinking water), those without somatic pathology microflora was repre­ sented by gram­positive and gram­negative coccal and sinuous forms (spirochetes) pseudomycelia yeast fungi are also dominated by streptococci. In the presence of diseases of internal organs in children in the region met all the above listed microorganisms, but also have been found and rod shape (monobatsylls) that prevailed in proportion. Karlovka children in plaque specimens were found only coccoid forms (streptococci) and pseudo­ yeast fungi. But if children without pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in smears dominated pseudo, when it is available above listed microorganisms met in equal amounts. Thus, the content of fluoride in drinking water affects the occurrence and progression of dental disease in chil­ dren must be considered in the treatment and prevention activities.


children, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, fluoride, drinking water, microflora


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 346-349 pages, index UDK 616. 311. 2­053. 5(477. 53)