Zemlyanov S. О.

In Vitro Research of Influence of Physical Factors on Descriptions of Light Curing Resins

About the author:

Zemlyanov S. О.



Type of article:

Scentific article


There are results of comparative in vitro research of possibility of the use of ultrasonic vibrations for the decline of viscidity of traditional fotokompozitnogo material as compared to the action of the external heating. A study in vitro of possibility of the use of ultrasonic vibrations is for the decline of viscidity of traditional fotokompozitnogo material as compared to the action of the external heating. Objects and methods. 45 standards of universal nanogibridnogo fotokompozitu of ENAMEL PLUS Hri, Micerium, tint of Ud3, as disks, diametrom 10 mm and in thick 3 mm. They were up­diffused on three groups for 15 copies in each. The samples of the first group placed on a glass plate and from above covered other, the same. Due to weight of integumentary glass, which was identical for all standards, portion of material changed the sizes, increased in a diameter. Researches of standards of this group conducted in the conditions of room temperature (220C). The samples of the second group prepared like, only that after covering of portion of material by integumentary glass, they on 3 minutes were placed in a programmable dry­heat closet with a temperature, set at level 600C. In the third group after covering of samples of material to them tricked into ultrasonic vibrations integumentary glass. In the layer of every portion through an interval between two glasses dipped the instrument of U­file, which was united with scaler through an angular holder. Ultrasonic influence was carried out during one minute, whereupon again measured the diameter of samples. Results. Measuring of samples of the first group was rotined by the increase of diameters of resin disks to 11­13 mm. The middle diameter of portions in this group made 11,62 ± 0,60 mm, that the increase of diameters of samples took place due to weight of integumentary glass, on the average, on 16 %. The samples of the second group were rotined by the increases of diameters of composite disks to 14­16,5 mm. The middle diameter of portions in this group made 15,43 ± 0,47 mm, that the increase of diameters of samples took place due to weight of integumentary glass and action of enhanceable temperature, on the average, on 54 %. In the third group, where samples added influence of ultrasonic vibrations, a jumboizing composite disks took place to 12­16,5 mm. The middle diameter of portions in this group made 14,64 ± 0,54 mm. It means that due to weight of integumentary glass and action of ultrasonic vibrations, as a condensing factor, the increase of diameters of samples took place, on the average, on 46 %. Conclusions. Thus, condensation ability of ultrasonic vibrations can be used for influence on consistency of resin material, namely, for the decline of his viscidity. In comparing to the external heating, condensation of compo for an account an ultrasound requires less than time, does not require a presence in the workplace of dentists of the special additional equipment, which devices are for heating of resins.


consistency of light curing materials, ultrasonic vibrations, external heating of resins


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 355-357 pages, index UDK 615. 46+615. 831:616314:378. 147. 88