Smaglyuk L. V., Lei Zhun, Sydorenko A. Yu.

Electromyographic Characteristics of Orbicularis Oris Muscle in Patients of 6-9 Years Old with Distal Dental Occlusion

About the author:

Smaglyuk L. V., Lei Zhun, Sydorenko A. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


128 patients, aged from 6 to 9 years old, have been examined and received orthodontic care. Among them 87 children (52 girls and 35 boys) (Subgroup I) were with protrusion of anterior teeth and 41 patients (21 girls and 20 boys) (Subgroup II) were with retrusion of anterior teeth. Clinical study of the patients has been carried out according to static and dynamic regimens of examination, recorded in the case histories of each patient. Functions of dentoalveolar area have been studied by the estimation of facial and intraoral features, clinical functional testing to identify functions of breathing, swallowing, speaking, joining of lips, chewing. Correction of dysfunctions has been conducted by the т4к pre­orthodontic trainer. Bioelectric muscle activity of the maxillofacial areas has been studied by the “Neuron­EMG­Micro” miniature computer electroneuromyographer and X. LogyX personal computer. To study the functions of muscles the func­ tional tests on the “maximum volitional joining of lips” and on voluntary chewing have been used. Findings of com­ puter analysis have been recorded in the protocols of EMG research. All electromyograms have been analyzed on qualitative and quantitative indicators. Examined patients of 6­9 years old with distal dental occlusion showed high rate of dentoalveolar system dys­ functions (98,8 ± 1,2 %) in the first subgroup (with protrusion of maxillary anterior teeth) and 60,9 ± 7,6 % in the second subgroup (with retrusion of anterior teeth). At the same time, depending on the form of pathological occlu­ sion, different structure of dysfunction of breathing, joining of lips, swallowing, speaking, chewing and TMJ function have been admitted. So, in distal occlusion with dental protrusion the most frequent is primarily the disruption of the muscles of the outer circle of the muscle according to Vinders (breathing, joining of lips), while in cases with retru­ sion of anterior teeth no correlation between TMJ function and chewing has been admitted. Study of functional status of dentoalveolar area before and during orthodontic correction by myotrainers showed im­ provement of clinical picture of functional status of dentoalveolar area in patients from group under study in 3 months of orthodontic treatment due to recovery of the following functions: breathing by 72,9 % in the first subgroup and 71,4 % in the second one; joining of lips by 85,2 % and 66,6 %, respectively, which is reliably proved by amplitude rise of orbicu­ laris oris muscle contraction. In this way, the amplitude of biopotentials of studied muscles contraction significantly increased and differed from these indicators before treatment, approaching to the standard rates in three months of correction. As far as functions of dentoalveolar areas, associated with the position of the tongue is concerned, it is necessary to state that only patients from the first and second subgroups, constituting 44,1 % to 50,0 %, respec­ tively, experienced positive results during the correction by myotrainer, and speech function was improved from 25,0 % to 43,2 %. This provides the opportunity to note primarily more effective purpose of myotrainers exactly for correction of function of joining lips and breathing function.


dentition, distal occlusion, orbicularis oris muscle, myotrainer


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 2 (111), 2014 year, 384-388 pages, index UDK 616. 314. 25/. 26­053. 5­073. 7