Byelikova I. V.

Formation of Informative Data Base of Health Care Establishments

About the author:

Byelikova I. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article is devoted to the problem of monitoring of health condition of population and constriction medical data at the regional level. The most practical and really affordable option is to collect patient’s information from primary care physicians to doctors who provide other types of medical care in order to provide consecutive compression of source data base to obtain an access at each level of information to accept timely management decisions and optimization of statistical service. Recently, the state policy is focused on effective use of financial, material and human resources of health care. So, a program of economic reforms for 2010-2014 “Prosperous Society, Competitive Economy, Effective State”, which is approved by Decree of the President of Ukraine defines that the main purpose of healthcare reform is the introduction of new organizational and law, financial and economic mechanisms aimed to improve the effectiveness and accessibility of medical services to population. One of primary condition to achieve mentioned purpose is an in- formatization of health care of Ukraine according to the Law of Ukraine “About National Program of informatization”. The European commission (EC) published «A plan of action of health care for 2012-2020». The main purpose of these actions is that medical informative technologies have become an integral part of European system of health care. The main purpose of informatization in Ukraine is comprehensive support with effective functioning of health care system. Also, it concerns an increase of medical service’s quality, monitoring maintenance of health condition of pop- ulation, an optimization of field management, integration with other informative systems of social and other spheres. The necessity of health care reform in Ukraine is caused by not only essential changes which were in economic organization of country and underestimation of complexity of health care problem but also discrepancy with a net of medical establishments and economic opportunities of country. Nowadays the net of medical institutions provides the necessity to population in medical care. Centers of primary medical care, out – patient departments, medi- cal and obstetrical stations provide primary medical aid, polyclinics and specialized stationeries, hospices present secondary medical care, district hospitals, dispensaries and clinics, emergency medical treatment, teams of am- bulance provide highly qualified and highly technological medical aid. The main trends of formation of informative data base at regional level are to perform normative legal base; to provide computers to medical institutions with accept to Internet; to determine people who have an opportunity to informative data base that have confidential information; motivate staff to create and use individual informative data base; form individual electronic patient’s list; create electronic patients’ cards.


Informatization, medical information, defense of personal data


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 39-41 pages, index UDK 614. 2:004