Gutareva N. V., Muskharina Y. Y., Babak V. V.

Reality and Prospects for Effective Health Education to Prevent HIV infection

About the author:

Gutareva N. V., Muskharina Y. Y., Babak V. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Particular attention of the world in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century is on HIV infec- tion, a disease that hit most countries and was without preuvelecheniya threat to everyone on the planet Earth. First American said about the disease, “Weekly Gazette of morbidity and mortality” in 1981. In Ukraine, the first patient was registered in 1987. Today Ukraine takes the first place in Europe in terms of growth of AIDS, and HIV infection affects the most productive age group of the population – from 15 to 40 years. Based on the fact that HIV / infection destroys the immune system, one of the important problems of the soci- ety is to provide healthy and quality of life and raise awareness of the value of life, its uniqueness. This state of the problem, of course, needs developing and implementing effective and comprehensive programs for different stra- tegic directions. Central to address this urgent problem undoubtedly must belong to informational and educational outreach Ukraine in the first place – children and youth. The purpose of this study is to investigate the awareness of students of pedagogical University of HIV / AIDS and the effectiveness of current prevention program. Object and methods. Object of study is the awareness of students in matters of transmission and prevention of HIV infection and AIDS. Research methods – statistical treatment of an anonymous survey of students ped- agogicheskoo univesitet. Etap modern development of our society requires the consolidation of consciousness around the idea of building a humanitarian-oriented, democratic state. Of particular importance is the reform of education in the principles of democratization and humanization, providing conditions for the formation of high- level health. Results and discussion. The analysis results in this table show a good awareness of students on the methods of the study, features, modes of transmission and prevention of HIV / AIDS. But work on the prevention of this disease should be improved. Information on infectious diseases including HIV infection, students receive in the classroom as well as in the performance of independent work. The plan provides for the preparation of teachers to study a number of biomedical disciplines (“Age physiology”, “Anatomy”, “Fundamentals of medical knowledge”, “Valeology”, “Hygiene”, etc.) For example, in the program of individual disciplines introduced the theme “Infec- tious diseases social” in the study which focuses on a detailed analysis of the issues of etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinics, and especially HIV / AIDS. For students of all faculties classes at the City Health Center, during which demonstrated non-fiction films, understand situational problems. The discussions brought together leading urban professionals (dermatologist, obstetrician-gynecologists, infectious disease specialists, immunolo- gists, epidemiologists, drug experts) City Department of Health and the Center for AIDS. Today, unfortunately, not all teachers, educators, advocates own new non-traditional teaching methods, which are based on the active participation of students in the learning process, students. In this regard, students prepare research papers on the topic “Reproductive health – the basis for a happy marriage”, “Art to lead a healthy lifestyle”, “Methods of HIV / AIDS among school children”, “Non-traditional methods of health promotion and AIDS” and etc. Conclusions. In the edu- cational process SHEE “Donbass State Pedagogical University” has implemented a comprehensive program that is based on the embodiment, the following forms of educational work in the field of modern students obtain data on healthy lifestyles, HIV and AIDS:1) promoting a healthy lifestyle among students;2) study the awareness of students regarding HIV transmission, symptoms and consequences VICh-infitsirovaniya/SPIDa;3) enrichment of the work programs of medical and biological disciplines block new topics on HIV / AIDS;4) health education work in health centers, interviews, training specialists, etc.


awareness, HIV-infection, healthy lifestyle, students, prevention and training


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 42-46 pages, index UDK 37. 015. 31:[616. 98:578. 828HIV]