Pluzhnikova T. V.

Population Awareness of Poltava Region of Arterial Hypertension Prevention

About the author:

Pluzhnikova T. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of our investigation was to study population awareness of Poltava region of arterial hyperten- sion problem and methods of its prevention. The object and methods of investigation. An investigation was performed by medical and sociological method using anonymous questionnaires and by statistic method in order to get results. There were results of comprehen- sive statistic analysis of questionnaires of 500 patients (from 18 to 65 years old) with complaints of arterial hyperten- sion in order to get primary informative data base for the investigation. It was conducted population awareness of Poltava region of arterial hypertension problem and methods of its prevention. As shown in questionnaires 66 % are aware about their level of arterial pressure and can indicate num- bers of it, 34 % (р < 0,01) examined people do not know the level of blood pressure. At that official standards of nor- mal arterial pressure are well known to only 52 % (p < 0,05) of examined ones. 43 % (р < 0,01) of examined people measure own arterial pressure only if it is necessary, 17 % (р > 0,005) of respondents measure an arterial pressure only after doctor’s visit, 15 % (р > 0,005) of patients do not measure an arterial pressure, and only 1/4 (р < 0,01) of population controls an arterial pressure regularly. Stable increase of arterial pressure and development of hypertensive disease (HD) is the main reason of patient’s visit to doctors that contained 75 % (р < 0,001) of examined patients. Secondly, it is necessary to provide special- ized medical consultation according to high blood pressure treatment of 17 % (р > 0,005). Thirdly, 8 % (p < 0,05) of patients require some recommendations of work’s order and rest’s regimen, diet peculiarities and healthy lifestyle. It is important 2/3 of examined population of Poltava region who suffer from high blood pressure are not aware about treatment and prevention of this disease, but 1/3 of population do not have an opportunity use prescribed drugs regularly. There is low level of population awareness of Poltava region of arterial hypertension problem according to re- ceived results of an investigation. There is the necessity of further study of population’s awareness of Poltava region of problem of arterial hypertension and also improvement of different methods of its prevention. It is necessary to perform health education with support from local power using mass media and production and arrangement of public health service among population of Poltava region in order to increase the level of population awareness of arterial hypertension problem. To increase amount and quality of preventive measures, follow systemic control of high blood pressure and cause patients to treat arterial hypertension. Conclusions. An analysis of received data base demonstrates problem of population awareness of Poltava re- gion of arterial hypertension. There is the necessity of further study of population’s awareness of Poltava region of arterial hypertension problem and also improvement of different methods of its prevention. Further investigations. Hereafter it is planned to perform comparative analysis of results of patients’ question- naires among population with increased arterial pressure depending on different risk factors of arterial hyperten- sion onset.


awareness, prevention, arterial hypertension, Poltava region, population


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 55-57 pages, index UDK 616. 12-008. 331. 1:614. 2(477. 54)