Avetikov D. S., Lokes E. P., Stavickij S. A., Yacenko I. V., Rozkolupa O. O.

Mandibular Fractures: Analysis of Frequency, Localization, Complications

About the author:

Avetikov D. S., Lokes E. P., Stavickij S. A., Yacenko I. V., Rozkolupa O. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Injuries of maxillofacial area are one of the most urgent. In most cases, damage to the facial bones is a result from a severe injury, often applied during a fight. In recent years traffic and street injuries significantly increased. Non-gunshot mandibular fractures ranges from 85 to 90 % of all fractures of the facial bones. This frequency of mandibular damage caused by its anatomical features, more advanced position in relation to other facial bones. The aim of our study was to investigate the incidence of fractures of the mandible, treatment and complications of adult patients in the Poltava region. A statistical analysis of the primary documentation maxillofacial department of Poltava Regional Hospital for the period from 2011 to 2013 was made. During the reporting period medical treatment was received to 2786 patients, 29 % of them had the mandibular fractures . In 60 % of cases there were diagnosted unilateral mandibular fractures. Most frequent was unilateral angular (32.5 %) and unilateral fractures of the mandibular body (20.2 %). Bilateral fractures dominated angular combined with a fracture of the mandibular body (22.7 %) and fractures of the mandibular body and articular process (10.0 %). In 11.1 % of cases fracture of the mandible were combined with closed craniocerebral trauma, 1.2 % – with fractures of the nasal bones, 0. 5 % with fractures of the zygomatic bone and 0. 5 % with fractures of the upper jaw. Approximately 50 % of patients with mandibular fractures admitted to hospital in a state of alcohol intoxication. Temporary immobilization of the lower jaw fragments was not observed at any patient. Damages of the facial bones were occurred with traumatic injury of brain varying severity not less than at 60 % of cases. A closed brain injury (intracranial injury): concussion and contusion of brain of varying severity were diagnosed most often. During this period patients aged 15 to 81 years were occurred. All of them were divided into six main age groups: group 1 (15-20 years) – 18.9 %, group 2 (21-30 years) – 38.8 %, group 3 (31-40 years) – 23.9 %, group 4 (41 -50 years) – 11.1 % 5 group (51-60 years) – 5. 4 % 6 group (over 60 years) – 1.9 %, respectively. The highest frequency of mandibular fractures was observed in 2 and 3 age groups, ie groups most able-bodied population. Fixation of bone fragments was carried out by orthopedic (conservative) and operational methods. The intramax- illary fixation by Tigershtedt were used (93.3 % of cases), of which only 1 % of cases used slick tire-bracket. In 6. 7 % was used osteosynthesis. Used bone suture (3 %), osteosynthesis using Kirschner’s pin (3 %) and osteosynthesis by titanium mini-plates (0.7 %).


fracture, mandible, analysis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 62-64 pages, index UDK 616. 716. 4-001. 5-036. 86-08