Aleksevych K. O., Fira L. S., Lykhatsky P. G., Rytsyk O. B.

Activity of Myocardium Marker Enzymes in Rats under Adrenaline Toxic Damage

About the author:

Aleksevych K. O., Fira L. S., Lykhatsky P. G., Rytsyk O. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Today, the prevalence and severe consequences of cardiovascular diseases determine the actuality of prevention, diagnostics and treatment. The prognosis in acute cardiac pathology is known to be based on the dynamics of biochemical markers. Therefore, the dynamics of metabolic processes and correlation of biochemical indices under above-mentioned pathologic conditions are being studied intensively. The objective of this survey is to study the dynamics of myocardium marker enzymes’ activity and their correlation with the indices of free radical oxidation in acute myocardium damage by high adrenaline doses. Materials and methods. Experiments were performed on 50 non-linear albino male rats (body weight – 180-200 g). Acute adrenaline myocardium damage was induced by single intramuscular injection of 0.185 % adrenaline hydrotartrate (“Darnytsya”, Ukraine), dose 0.5 mg/kg. The rats were euthanized with the thiopental sodium on the 3rd, 24th and 48th post-injection hour. Results and discussion. On the 3rd experimental hour, the ТBA-АP content revealed 19.2 % increase in the blood serum and 32.1 % increase in the myocardium in comparison with control values. Through protein oxidative modification studies, it was found that under adrenaline impact the content of neutral aldehyde and keto derivatives revealed 1.7 and 1.4 times increase in the blood serum and myocardium respectively at 3 hours term. The increase of lactate dehydrogenase activity in the blood serum alongside with the decrease of the enzyme’s activity in the myocardium homogenate were found at all experimental terms. Creatine phosphokinase activity in the blood serum revealed 2.5 times increase 3 hours after damage, in comparison with the controls. Within 24 hours’ term after damage, this index was at its peak, revealing 2.7 times excess if compared with controls. By 48 hours, it decreased yet exceeding the control value by 2.3 times. The parallel studies of creatine phosphokinase activity in the myocardium revealed the inverse process, namely 2 times decrease at 3 hours’ term, 2.7 times decrease at 24 hours whereas at 48 hours the index was 2.3 times lower in comparison with the control value. Aminotransferase organo-specificity taken into account, allowing for De Ritis ratio indicating the exact toxic site seemed to be reasonable. 3 hours after the adrenaline damage, De Ritis ratio was found to be roughly similar to the intact controls, even lower. Starting from the 24th experimental hour, the ratio was found to be increasing reaching its peak value 48 hours after the damage had been induced. This is indicative of progressing myocardial ischemia that causes cardiocyte cytolysis. Conclusion. Adrenaline myocardium damage (0. 5 mg/kg body weight) was shown to activate lipid peroxidation and protein oxidative modification on the 48th experimental hour. Accumulation of free radical reactions’ toxins is accompanied by cardiocyte cytolysis that causes the ingress of organo-specific enzymes into the bloodstream. Besides, increased creatine phosphokinase, aspartataminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase activity in the blood serum of injured rats parallel with their decreased activity in the myocardium were observed.


adrenaline, myocardium, lipoperoksidation, oxidizing modification of proteins, lactate dehydrogenase, creatinphosphokinase


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 65-69 pages, index UDK 616/. 12-025. 1-015. 1-05:612. 015. 31]-092. 6