Voskresenskaya L. К., Bezkorovaynaya I. N., Ryadnova V. V., Danilchenko S. I., Sovhyrya S. N.

Effectiveness of Polypeptide Medications in Complex Therapy of Traumatic Corneal Abrasions

About the author:

Voskresenskaya L. К., Bezkorovaynaya I. N., Ryadnova V. V., Danilchenko S. I., Sovhyrya S. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the research was the study of effectiveness of Delargin medication in complex treatment of patients with traumatic corneal abrasions. Object and Methods. 30 patients, aged from 21 to 49 years old, with traumatic corneal abrasions, who received treatment at outpatient department, have undergone clinical trial. Results and Discussion. The treatment of patients with traumatic corneal abrasions was considered effective by the following results: term of epithelization of defect, resorption of corneal infiltrations, recovery of cornea sensitivity, absence of inflammation symptoms; grades of visual acuity recovery, clinical recovery. The dynamics of pathological process has been observed by means of side illumination, biomicroscopy, analysis of cornea sensitivity. Fluorescence test has been made for epithelization grading. The observations showed that in case of later visits of patients with traumatic corneal abrasions of various genesis to a doctor, their recovery was more prolonged than of those who saw a doctor at the early grade of disease. Clinical observations established that inhibition of inflammatory process occurred earlier in patients, who were administrated with Delargin, than in patients from control group, who received conventional treatment. Data ratio, obtained during the treatment of patients from the treatment group and control group, showed that corneal syndrome remained during 7,0 ± 0,68 in the treatment group, and during 9,8 ± 0,25 days (p ‪ 0,05) in the control group. Absolute epithelization occurred on the 3,5 ± 0,34 day in patients from the treatment group, and in control group on the 7,78 ± 0,34 day (p ‪ 0,05). Such clinical sign as resorption of corneal infiltrations occurred 3-4 days earlier in patients from the treatment group than in control group (4,9 ± 0,8 – treatment group, 8,63 ± 0,75 – control group, p ‪ 0,05). Cornea sensitivity recovery was evident on the 6,6 ± 0,4 day in the treatment group and on the 10,9 ± 0,2 day in the control one. Clinical recovery of patients from the treatment group was admitted on the 6,62 ± 0,2 day, and on the 11, 0 ± 0,2 day in the control one, i. e., 5 days earlier. Conclusions. Consequently, the results of clinical trials showed that Delargin has positive effect on inflammatory process in traumatic corneal abrasions. Administration of the medication during the complex treatment of traumatic corneal erosions significantly affects the inflammatory process, lowers the degree of corneal reactive edema, reduces pain, activates regeneration of tissue damages, reduces the terms of treatment by 3,4 ± 0,2 days. Acceleration of reparative processes in cornea due to administration of Delargin is provided by recovery of glycosaminoglycans of cornea proper substance. Comparative analysis of dynamics of treatment of cornea injuries showed that effective use of polypeptide medication should be applied in the polypeptide therapy of traumatic corneal abrasions.


cornea, Delargin, polypeptides, corneal abrasion


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 84-87 pages, index UDK 617. 713-001. 17-085