Kitura О. Ye.

Structural-Functional Status of Myocardium in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis and Hepatic Cirrhosis

About the author:

Kitura О. Ye.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of research is to compare structural and functional status of myocardium in patients with chronic hepatitis (CH) and hepatic cirrhosis (HC) of non-viral etiology. Objects and methods of research. 48 patients have been involved into the study: 26 patients with CH (54,17 %) and 22 patients with HC (45,83 %). The average duration of disease was 9,2 ± 4,2 years. Patients with viral and autoimmune induced liver injury, associated pathology of cardiovascular system (CVS), pulmonary and kidney diseases and acute hepatic failure were not involved into the study. Results and discussion. Patients from both groups had complaints of cardiological nature. No significant differences in the frequency of origination of these complaints between the groups of patients were detected. 3 (11,5 %) patients with CH and 10 (45,5 %) patients with HC had complaints of dyspnea during physical activity, i. e., the frequency of dyspnea origination in patients with HC was higher (р < 0,001). Edemata of feet legs were experienced only by patients with HC. The analysis of ECG showed manifested lesions in all patients. No significant differences between the groups were ascertained. The frequency of origination of cardiac rhythm disturbance does not depend on the degree of Diffuse Chronic Hepatopathy (DCH) progression. Extension of the Q-T interval has been registered only in patients with HC, i. e., 10 (45,5 %) patients, which can be explained by more manifested dystrophic lesions of myocardium. Sizes of end-diastolic dimension (EDD) and end-systolic dimension (ESD) were significantly grater in the HC- group in comparison with control group. It should be admitted that as DCH is progressing, the more significant difference is, while comparing with control group. Such indices as end-systolic output (ESO), end-diastolic output (EDO), stroke volume (SV), left ventricle myocardium mass index (LVMMI) were greater in patients with CH in comparison with control group. In DCH progression, the difference of these indices in comparison with healthy individuals becomes more evident that proves the development of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. Elevation of EDO and ESO led to correspondent increase of SV in both clinical groups. Patients with HC had manifested significant lowering of ejection fraction (EF) in comparison with control group: EF in healthy individuals was 59,3 ± 1,3 %; in patients with CH – 58,4 ± 3,4 % (p > 0,05); in patients with HC – 45,43 ± 6,2 % (р < 0,05). Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) has been detected in 6 (31,6 %) patients with CH and 8 (44,4 %) patients with HC, eccentric LVH – in 4 (21,0 %) patients with CH and 5 (27,7 %) patients with HC. No significant differences between clinical groups were observed. It should be noted that cardiac failure is observed more often in patients with HC. Type I diastolic dysfunction was detected in 3 (15,79 %) patients with CH and in 8 (44,44 %) patients with HC (p < 0,001). Systolic dysfunction is registered only in patients with HC – in 2 (11,11 %) patients. Conclusions. Comparative analysis of clinical-electrophysiological and structural –functional indices of patients with CH and HC of non-viral etiology has revealed specific similar dysfunctions. Extension of the Q-T interval has been registered only in HC group, indicating about more manifested dystrophic changes of myocardium left ventricle of heart. Patients with HC, as opposed to patients with HC, are experienced specific advanced significant structural and functional changes of heart with distinct features of formation of adverse configuration of heart (Concentric and eccentric hypertrophy configurations) with further development of diastolic and systolic dysfunction, i. e., cirrhotic cardiomyopathy.


chronic hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis, ECG, syndromes, echocardiographic indices


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 131-134 pages, index UDK 616. 36-002. 2-004