Kucheryavchenko M. A., Zaytseva O. V., Zhukov V. I., Knigavko V. G.

Laproxides Subtoxic Doses Influence on Hepatocytes Mitochondria Metabolic Status under Subacute Experiment Conditions

About the author:

Kucheryavchenko M. A., Zaytseva O. V., Zhukov V. I., Knigavko V. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


“Laproxides” as one of the most powerful sources of pollution of the biosphere haven’t their the com- prehensive characteristics of the potential danger for human health and the environment. It dictates the need for a thorough study of the mechanisms of laproxides biological action and metabolic disturbances in organism. The aim of the work was to study the long-term impact of sub-toxic doses of the laproxides new group on the hepatocytes mitochondria metabolic status under subacute experiment conditions. These compounds are related to the class of polyethers: oligoethermonoepoxid with molecular weight of 500 (L-500) and triglycidyl ether polioksipropilentriol with molecular weight of 303 (L-303). With respect to the results of acute experiments, these substances have a low toxicity and weak cumulation, have not the species and gender sensitivity. The mean lethal doses (LD50) of L-303 and L-500 for white rats are set at levels of 5.75 g/kg and 26.7 g/kg of body weight of the animal, and the coefficients of cumulation (Kk) were 7.61 and 9.28. The research program included a long subacute toxicological experiment on mature white Wistar rats weighting 0.19-0. 20 kg. Under the experimental conditions, the animals for 1.5 months every morning before feeding with a metal probe orally administered aqueous solutions of laproxides in doses of 1/10; 1/100; 1/1000 of LD50 (6 groups of n = 10 animals). The control group (n = 10 animals) received the appropriate volume of drinking water. After subacute experiment termination we investigated the rate of the oxy- gen intake by hepatocytes mitochondria by polarographic method. We detected the oxygen using rate in presence of succinate acceptor and without it, as well as in the presence of 2.4 – DNP uncoupler. After that we calculated phosphorylation coefficient and the respiratory coefficient, and the activity of ATP-hydrolase reaction (Са2+-, Mg2+-, и Н+-ATP-ases activation). It was revealed significant reducing the tissue respiration intensity after addition of the oxidation substrate – succinate and also ADP, and the disjunctor of the oxidation and phosphorylation – 2.4 – DNP with respect to control at doses of 1/10; 1/100 LD50. The findings suggest that laproxides reduce oxidative phos- phorylation share in the mitochondria of hepatocytes and increase the proportion of free breathing. This is indicated by a decrease in the rate of respiration in unacceptoric medium and in the third V3 metabolic state after adding ADP, respectively on 56.51 %, 43.5 % and 53.69 %, 44.61 % under the influence of L-303 and L-500 laproxides in doses of 1/10 and 1/100 LD50. More over it was detected decreasing the respiratory coefficient value by Lardi, phosphor- ylation coefficient, attenuation of Са2+-, Mg2+-, и Н+-ATP-ases activation, there is the dose dependence. Due to the inhibition of the Са2+-, Mg2+-АТP-ases activation the laproxides provide the Са2+ accumulation in mitochondria and reduce its phosphorylatic capacity. This is possible due to the damaging effect on mitochondrial membrane lipid peroxidation products, whose formation suschestvennno increases under the influence of the investigated xeno- biotics. We established in animals after long-lasting laproxides influence at doses of 1/10; 1/100 LD50 there were the sharp reducing the energy production, the uncoupling of tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, that can be connected with membrane pathology development. 1/1000 LD50 dose of these xenobiotics is uneffected on hepatocytes mitochondrea metabolic status.


xenobiotics, hepatocytes mitochoundria portion, tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, albino rats, subacute toxicologic experiment


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 141-145 pages, index UDK 614. 777:543. 39:547. 42