Pogotova G. A., Gorchakovа N. A., Belenichev I. Ph., Chekman I. S.

The Livonorm and Detoxyl Influence on the Energy Metabolism, Prooxidant-Antioxidant System in the Rats’ Liver, Myocardium and Brain with Dichlorethane Hepatitis

About the author:

Pogotova G. A., Gorchakovа N. A., Belenichev I. Ph., Chekman I. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Various factors may cause hepatic toxicity, including, viruses, hormonal and metabolic disorders, xenobiotics, drugs and others. The range of drugs used for the therapy of toxic liver damage includes plant drugs, synthetic origin, phospholipids, vitamin preparations, or combinations of medicines. The latter include Livonorm and Detoxyl. In structure of capsules Livonorm include: extract Silybum marianum 140 mg, ascorbic acid 120 mg, vitamin E 30 IU, vitamin A – 300 mg, a-lipoic acid 25 mg, N-acetylcysteine – 30 mg, selenium 25 mg, zinc 10 mg. One tablet to Detoxyl contains: Cynara extract – 25 mg, grapefruit extract – 25 mg, dandelion extract – 25 mg, ascorbic acid 60 mg, L-methionine – 20 mg, pantothenic acid 25 mg, vitamin E – 15 mg, vitamin B1 – 6 mg, vitamin B2 – 2,5 mg, vitamin B6 – 5 mg, beta-carotene – 1 mg, biotin (vitamin H) – 15 mg, vitamin B12 – 10 mkg, vitamin A – 200 mkg, vitamin D – 2,5 mg, folic acid – 200 mg, phosphatidylcholin – 5 mg, N-acetylcystein – 15 mg, iron – 2,5 mg, iodine – 100 mg, manganese – 2 mg, copper – 0,5 mg, selenium – 60 mkg, zinc – 7,5 mg. Aim of the investigation. Determination of Livonorm and Detoxyl action on the energy metabolism and prooxidant- antioxidant system data in the rats organs with toxic hepatitis. Objects and methods. Experimental studies were carried out on 28 nonlinear white rats-males body weight, 170-190 g. The experiments with rats was conducted according to Methodical recommendations of the SCE of the Ministry of health of Ukraine. For modeling toxic hepatitis it was used dichloroethane that administered orally to rats through the metal atraumatic probe at a dose of 500 ml/kg in a 50 % solution in sunflower oil 1 time a day for 4 days. On the 5th day of the experiment, the introduction of a toxic agent was stopped, and within 10 days the rats were divided into 4 groups of 7 animals: group 1 – the intact animals, group 2 – the animals with toxic hepatitis, group 3 – the animals with toxic hepatitis and Livonorm administration, group 4 – the animals with toxic hepatitis and Detoxyl administration. Livonorm and Detoxyl organoprotective activity has bean studied on dichlorethane hepatitis experimental models in course intragastric administration in the dose of 100 mg/kg every drug within 20 days after pathology modeling. Research results and their discussion. It is established that in cytosole of liver, heart and brain homogenates of animals with toxic hepatitis it was shown the significant damages markers of oxidative modification of proteins (OMP) – AFG and KFG in the phone of antioxidant system oppression (SOD activity, GPR and reduced glutathione content reduction). Livonorm and Detoxyl intragastric administration in dichlorethane hepatitis have hepatoprotective action only (restore energy metabolism and prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in the hepatocytes). In the myocardium Livonorm and Detoxyl restore only levels of proteins oxidative modification markers and do not effect the performance of energetic metabolism and prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in rats’ brain. Conclusion. In dichlorethane hepatitis Livonorm and Detoxyl prevent of toxic liver damage (markers energetic metabolism and prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis).


Livonorm, Detoxyl, toxic hepatitis, energy metabolism, prooxidant-antioxidant system


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 187-191 pages, index UDK 615. 272. 4+615. 244+547. 972. 3