Bilash S. M.

Carbohydrate Specificity of Elements of Fundic Part of Gastric Wall During Administration of Cryopreserved Placenta Against The Background of Acute Experimental Gastritis

About the author:

Bilash S. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the research was to define the dynamics of expression of carbohydrate determinants on the structural elements of fundic part of stomach during administration of “Platex-platsentarnuy” medication against the background of acute experimental gastritis. The object of experimental study was forestomach gastrobiobsy materials from 175 Wistar senior male rats. Study of glucoconjugates, specific to soybean lectin (SBA), established weak binding of stratified squamous epithelium with plasmalemma, moderate binding of stratified squamous epithelium with granules of cervical mucous cells in intact rats. Strong relationship with α-galactose was manifested by parietal exocrine cells of fundic part of stomach. Study of specificity of lentil lectin (LCA) couple with elements of wall of stomach of intact rats established moderate response of apical plasmalemma of stratified squamous epithelial cells and granules of main exocrine cells of glands’ body. Granules of cervical mucous cells and main exocrine cells of bottom of glands showed strong LCA-binding. Intubation of intact rats’ tissues of stomach wall by WGA -sialolectin showed moderate binding with receptors of apical plasmalemma of stratified squamous epithelial cells and granules of main exocrine cells of glands’ body and strong binding of granules of cervical mucous cells and main exocrine cells of bottom of glands. Study of glucoconjugates of PFA perch roe fucolectin established very strong similarity of plasmalemma of stratified squamous epithelium of intact rats. Strong expression of glucoconjugates on granules of cervical mucous cells was noticed. Strong bindings have been detected on granules of main exocrine cells in glands’ body and bottom. Edible snail lectin is specific to α-galactose. Intubation of wall of fundic part of stomach of intact rats established weak НРА-binding with apical plasmalemma of stratified squamous epithelial cells. Moderate bindings were detected with galactoreceptors of granules of cervical mucous cells, on the surface and granules of main exocrine cells of rats’ gastric glands’ body and bottom. Study of glucoconjugates of bourtree bark lectin (SNA), specific to sialic acid, established strong relationships with receptors of apical membrane of stratified squamous epithelial cells and granules of cervical mucous cells in intact rats. SNA-lectin conjucation resulted in moderate binding with granules of main exocrine cells of glands’ body and bottom of fundic part of stomach in rats. Conclusions. The analysis of carbohydrate specificity of structural elements of fundic part of gastric wall specifies morphological changes related to compensatory and reduction processes during administration of cryopreserved placenta against the background of experimental gastritis. Intensification of binding of carbohydrate determinants with sialolectins indicates about the disturbance of synthesis process and mucus excretion by stratified squamous epithelial cells and intensification of proliferative process. Galactolectins allow to evaluate mitotic activity of epithelial cells, intensity of processes of secretization, afterripening of secretory granules and their excretion to fundic glands’ lumens. Fucoso- and mannosospecific markers indicate processes of secretization by glandular cells of fundic part of stomach.


stomach, lectins, cryopreserved placenta, acute experimental gastritis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 258-262 pages, index UDK 616. 33 – 002. 2 + 618. 36 – 001. 18 – 089. 843] – 092. 9