Kovalenko I. M.

Morphological Study of the Effect of Antiseptic Suppository

About the author:

Kovalenko I. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The results of morphological investigation of laboratory animals rectal mucous membrane, liver under influence of antiseptic suppositoria with benzalkonium chloride (“Erotex”, “Pharmatex”) or decamethoxinum (“De- septol”) have been given in the research. Recived results are next: Deseptol didn`t cause structural and functional changes of rectal mucous membrane and liver at usage in suppositorial form. Medicines “Erotex”and “Pharmatex” caused change in structure of rectal mucous membranе, liver. Suppurative complications have been getting more for recent years. These days inflammatory processes in pelvic organs do not just keep major place in morbidity structure, but they are the most often reason for hospitalization of adult patients and make serious medical, social and economic problems around the world. According to practical medical experience a significance of local and general ways of treatment of inflammatory purulent diseases in pelvic organs has been clear. During screening of Ukrainian pharmaceutical market it has been estimated that there is deficiency of native antiseptic vaginal suppository for prevention and treatment of noted above pathology. Medicines, which are used in practice, should have high biological availability, low allergic ability and wide antimicrobial range of action. They have to localize pathogens in the pathological region, prevent their spreading through blood and lymph vessels, and inhibit their ability to adhesion and pathogenicity. Among other requirements there are stable antimicrobial action, absence of toxic influence and pathomorphological action on tissue and organs, and minimal side effects. These characteristics can be noted for new antiseptic suppository with decametoxine, which are prepared using ovucir as basic compound. The aim of our research was to study influence of antiseptic suppository on morphology of liver and rectum at experimental investigation made on animals. During this investigation we made analysis of morphological change in structure of liver and rectum tissue while we use suppository with different basic compounds. We used two experimental medicines for comparative research. There were suppository with benzalconium chloride (Erotex, Pharmatex) and another one with native antiseptic decametoxine (Deseptol). We took ovucir WL 3264 according to European Pharmacopeia, fourth edition, as a basic compound in suppository with decametoxine. We made experimental investigation on nine rabbits, three of them formed control group. Suppositories were used per rectum, and we had next data by the end of experiment. At Pharmatex and Erotex administration there were minute signs of blood supply disorder in rectal mucosa such as plethora, uneven blood filling of vessels, diapedetic hemorrhages, moderate edema of submucosal tissue, local lymphoid infiltration and accumulation of eosinophil cells in small single groups. In the same time we noted enlarged hepatocytes, grainy dystrophy and widening of central veins with single erythrocytes in liver. At using of Deseptol with ovucir there were no microscopic signs of blood supply disorder, inflammation, necrotic and allergic change in the rectal mucosa of experimental animals. At our research we did not indicate morphological change in liver tissue after Deseptol use. Based on described above data of our research we made a conclusion, that after 10 days` treatment with suppositories Deseptol, which contained ovucir, they had not caused morphological, structural and functional changes in the rectal mucosa and liver, that demonstrated their safety, absence of toxic effect on animal organism, and made interesting their prospective clinical investigation.


suppositoria, Deseptol, Erotex, Pharmatex, morphology


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 267-270 pages, index UDK 615. 454. 2