Popadynets O. H.

Dystrophic-Destructive Processes in the Prostate Gland on the Third Day after the Action of Cold Factor

About the author:

Popadynets O. H.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Our work presents the results of a comprehensive study of the morphofunctional condition of the structural components of the prostate gland on the third day after exposure to cold factor, performed in the experiment on 20 mature white outbred male rats. In all lobes of the prostate gland (ventral, dorsal, coagulation glands) the sharply expressed dystrophic-destructive changes of blood vessels, glandular epithelium, connective tissue framework were found. As a result of studies of the general deep hypothermia impact at an altitude of its influence, and on the first day of posthypothermic period the reactive-dystrophic processes in the prostate were found; and this led to follow developmental changes in the dynamics during these periods of observation. The aim of the study was to establish morphological peculiarities of the structural components alteration of the prostate gland structural components on the third day after the exposure to cold. For achievement of the purpose 20 white outbred mature male rats were used. Condition of the general deep hypothermia was achieved at the decrease of rectal temperature to +12-+13°C in a cold chamber. Euthanasia was performed by an overdosage of ether anesthesia. Thin injection of blood vessels with Parisian blue, hematoxylin and eosin, fuxelin-pikrofuxin, toluidine blue staining, electronic-microscopic methods were applied. In the injection of the prostate blood vessels the retention of lumen narrowing of arterial vessels in veins dilatation is observed. However, in veins there are also areas of narrowing alternating with dilated ones, and a variety of wall protrusions. Morphometric results also confirm the above mentioned data. In arteries of all sizes the endothelial cells nuclei are swollen, the irregularity internal elastic membrane folding is increased. Medial shell is significantly expanded. The nuclei of smooth muscle cells are hardly visualized, sarcoplasm is vacuolated. The external elastic membrane is weakly contoured. Perivascular edema is expressed. In the electronic-microscopic study of microcirculatory bed links of the prostate gland not only swelling, but destructive changes are found at this time. The nuclei of endothelial cells are dramatically lumened, swollen, irregular contours. Granules of chromatin are concentrated in nucleolemma. The cytoplasm is of low electronic density. Granular endoplasmic reticulum is represented by dilated tubules and vacuoles, some of them are fragmented. The number of ribosomes is decreased. The membranes of mitochondria are blurred; there are mitochondria, which are completely deprived of cristae. Similar phenomena are observed in the constituents of the Golgi apparatus. Large vacuoles appear. Lumenal surface of plasmolemma forms micro-outgrowths, leading to clasmatosis, erythrocyte sludge. Interendothelial contacts in some places are extended. There are areas of the basal membrane, where it thickens and become fragmented. There is massive destruction of mast cells; their degranulation is so intensive that there are areas where in the fields of view there are a lot of free granules. The entire population of mast cells in this period is characterized by the small size of the cells and their small number. Very dark cells are absent, there is small number of dark ones and they are located in the connective tissue layer and around the glands. The vessels are also surrounded by very light and light mast cells, and sometimes they are completely deprived of their tissue-basophilic support. Degranulation index increases in 5.2-5.8 times in comparison with the norm. At the ultrastructural level a significant decrease in the size of mast cells and granules’ mass exit beyond their limits are also observed. There are many mast cells with the signs of intracellular granulolysis. Parenchyma also undergoes marked changes. In the lumen of the gland there is the secret of a large number of cell detritus, as in many parts the glandular epithelium in the form of layers is peeled from the basal membrane, exposing it. In general, cells are sharply flattened, in comparison with the norm and with the previous term. Nuclei are hyperchromic, cytoplasm is eosinophilic. There is more apical displacement of nuclei. Chromatin is disorganized. Nucleolemma forms some intussusceptions. Fragmentation of tubules and endoplasmic reticulum cisterns and vesicles of the Golgi apparatus membranes is noted. Mitochondria are with homogenised matrix and reduction of cristae. Vacuolation of the cytoplasm is marked, while the number of secretory granules is negligible. Lumenal plasmolemma forms multiple protrusions, abruption of microvilli is observed. Holocrine secretion is increased. Basal membrane is extended with blurred contours, due to enhanced desquamation it is somewhere naked. In the musculo-elastic stroma edematic processes are even more pronounced when compared to the previous period. Thus, on the third day after exposure to the general deep hypothermia in the investigated structures of particles of rat prostate gland some morphological changes progress.


prostate gland, mature rats, general deep hypothermia


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 271-274 pages, index UDK 611. 637 + 572. 7 + 611. 161 + 616. -089. 583. 29