Senchakovych Yu. V., Yeroshenko G. A.

Morphometric Characteristics of Microvascular Links Palatal Glands of Rats with Experimental Hiposalivation

About the author:

Senchakovych Yu. V., Yeroshenko G. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Pathology of the dental hard tissues, and especially periodontal tissue, an increase in average life expectancy leads to progressive loss of teeth, increasing the need for prosthetics. Many patients (30 %) can not use dentures. The most pronounced negative effect plate removable dentures from acrylic plastic is manifested in the oral mucosa in areas closest contact with its surrounding tissues. Despite the large number of studies on the mechanisms of pathological action of plastic on the body and methods to address them remains poorly understood issues objectively assess changes in palatal glands in hiposalivatsiyi. Application of morphometric method can detect reliable changes in the structural components of body when changing operating conditions. The aim of the study was to determine the dynamics of changes in metrics units circulatory microvascular rate of palatal glands of rats with experimental xerostomia. Work carried out on 25 white mongrel male rats – control (5 animals), I experimental (10 animals which were injected epinephrine in a dose of 2 mg / kg intraperitoneal fasting during 30 days to create an experimental model of endogenous xerostomia), the second experimental (10 animals) – exogenous [erostomia modeled by treating the oral mucosa of rats with 1 % solution of methyl ester of methacrylic acid during 30 days. After euthanasia of animals on days 14 and 30, fragments of the e hard palate mucosa were sealed in epon-812. Semithing sections stained with polychrome dye. Morphometric studies and microphotography was performed using a microscope Biorex-3 BM-500T digital camera DCM 900 adapted for these studies programs. We determined the diameter of the lumen of arterioles, capillaries and venules. The introduction to rats epinephrine causes constriction of resistive and exchange links og circulatory microvascular rate and leads to persistent dilatation capacitive link during the experiment, the latter is the result of tissue hypoxia that develops in the tissues of the palate due to reduced inflow of arterial blood. When using a 1 % solution of methyl ester of methacrylic acid to reproduce experimental palatal salivary gland hypofunction observed spasm of resistive link to 14 day of observation, which is defined to replace dilatation on 30 day of the experiment. From the exchange and capacitive parts of the microvascular rate dilation defined stable throughout the experiment. Determined due to the direct irritant effects a 1 % solution of methyl ester of methacrylic acid on the lining of glandular zone of the hard palate of rats.


morphometry, microcircular rate, palatal glands, xerostomia


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 275-278 pages, index UDK 611. 316:616. 314-76-77