Syrma O. I., Skobeeva V. M., Ulyanov V. A.

Size-Dependent Morphofunctional Changes of Skin after Administration of Silver Nanaparticles

About the author:

Syrma O. I., Skobeeva V. M., Ulyanov V. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Particle size is an important factor determining the number of reactive groups on the particle surface. It is this fact explains size-dependent effects. Scientific interest to silver nanoparticles caused a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action, the lack of stability in the majority of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as good toler- ability. Several papers that compared the biological effect of different sizes of silver nanoparticles were conducted in vitro cell cultures, while morphological studies in vivo have not been conducted. The relationship between par- ticle size and biological response may facilitate understanding of the effect of surface properties of the particles biocompatibility. Objective was to investigate the size-dependent morphological changes of the skin that occur when intradermal administration of silver nanoparticles. Methods. Spherical silver nanoparticles 20, 30, 70 nm were used. In this paper, for the Ag NP, citrate method was ap- plied. When we use the parameters of the synthesis with the using of sodium citrate spherical silver nanoparticles were prepared. Ag NP is syntesied by Physics institute of ONU named Mechnicov I. I. The experiment was carried out on 116 Wistar rats. After subcutaneous administration of 0.01 ml solution of silver nanoparticles effect was assessed at 1, 3, 7, 14 day. For morphological studies back skin was taken. Standard histological techniques were used, such as hematoxylin – eozin, Van Gisone, resorcin-fuchsin, toluidine blue, by Feulgen, by Brachet. Results. With the introduction of silver nanoparticles in the skin occurs complex of reactive changes. Immediately after administration the marked edema and infiltration of macrophages is noted, then granulation tissue is formed, and the process of adaptive remodeling completes. There is a violation of fibroarchitectonics. In the cambium layer of the epidermis parakeratosis and vacuolar degeneration are marked. Regeneration occurs due to proliferation of epithelial cells in the outer sheath of the hair. Tissue is fully restored on day 45. It is shown that the intradermal administration of silver nanoparticles with a diameter of 20, 30 and 70nm noted size-dependent effeсt. Changes in the functional activity of mast cells were dependent from the size of the nanoparticles. To assess the morphofunctional state of mast cells were used: the number of cells per unit area (0.01 mm2) and the index of degranulation. Has been a significant increase in the index of degranulation. It should be noted that a degranulation of mast cells is universal reaction to the stress. Mast cell secretion is distinct regulatory character and also founded migration of mast cells and their redistribution in the tissues. Conclusion. The introduction of silver NP does not change the general laws of the reaction of mast cells in the inflammatory process, increasing their functional activity, which is expressed in the intensive migration of cells in the first days after administration, and increasing the amount of degranulate forms at a later date. When reducing the size of the nanoparticles marked increase in mast cell degranulation. Morphofunctional characteristic of mast cells of the skin should be included in a comprehensive assessment of the biocompatibility of nanomaterials.


silver nanoparticles, size-depend effects, skin, mast cells


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 284-287 pages, index UDK 535. 343: 612. 017. 4