Ropayeva M. O.

Influence of Nazoferon on Immunological and Biochemical Parameters of Athletes’ Blood

About the author:

Ropayeva M. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Research performed in our country and abroad indicates that significant physical activity and psy- cho-emotional stress leads to health problems and reduces athlete’s performance through emergence of immune system dysfunction accompanied by changes in athletes’ immunological and biochemical blood parameters. The use of nazoferon immunostimulans (for 7 days) brought about an increase in the number of lymphocytes through increasing the number of T-lymphocytes (CD3+) (24,00 %) (p < 0.05), namely T-helpers / inductors (CD4+) (25. 93 %) and T-supressors / cytotoxic (CD8+) (39,13 %). There was found a significant reduction in immunoregu- lation index (CD4+ / CD8+) to 8.97 %. The use on nazoferon on athletes brought about virtually no effect on the number of B-lymphocytes (CD22+-cells) and NK (CD16+-cells). The relatively nonspecific immune defense showed a significant reduction in the absolute number of white blood cells, increasing the relative and absolute lymphocyte counts (p < 0.05). We have determined a decrease in the absolute number of neutrophils at 0.31 Ч109/l (p < 0.05), due to significant reduction in the absolute number of segmented neutrophils to 0.36 Ч109/l and an increase of relative and absolute number of stab neutrophils by 1.33 % and 0.06 Ч109/l respectively (p < 0.05). Relative and absolute number of monocytes remained stable. Seven athletes who used nazoferon in the experimental group experienced changes in the humoral immune sys- tem link. There was a significant increase in the content of IgG and a tendency of decrease in IgA and IgM (p > 0.05). Nazoferon immunostimulant caused a significant decrease in concentrations of total CIC 21.6 OD units in ath- letes’ systems through a reduction in content of little molecular complexes at 29.5 OD units (p < 0.05) and a simulta- neous increase in the concentration of large molecular complexes at 7.4 OD units (p < 0.05). CIC secondary content remained stable. We found that the use of nazoferon of athletes brought about a significant increase in ceruloplasmin blood pro- tein. There was a significant increase in the concentration of Mg2+ ions and a simultaneous decrease in the concen- tration of K+ (p < 0.05). The concentrations of ions Na+, Cl- in the experiment remained stable. Thus, implementation of nazoferon on team sports athletes of various levels of training brought about an in- crease in the total number of T-lymphocytes by increasing CD4+, CD8+, there was a decline in overall CIC by re- ducing the concentration of most pathogens in medium and small complexes, the protective functions tended to increase. What is more, there was observed an increase in concentrations of ions Mg2+, which characterizes the increase in antioxidant activity, and protein ceruloplasmin, which promotes the activeness of the immune system. It can be concluded that the use nazoferon athletes is tends to enhance human immunity. Prospects for further research. To carry out a remote research of biochemical and immune parameters in pe- ripheral blood of athletes after consuming nazoferon.


immunodeficiency, immunostimulator, physical activity


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 288-292 pages, index UDK 612. 063:796