Verbovska R. I., Rozhko М. М, Divnych Т. Ya.

Analysis of Results of Application of Medioprophilactic Complex for Patients with Complete Laminar Dentures Who Use Adhesive Products

About the author:

Verbovska R. I., Rozhko М. М, Divnych Т. Ya.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Full aftercare of edentulous patients is one of the major medical and social goals. Publications show that need in complete removable prosthetics for elderly people over 50 years old constitutes from 23 % to 80 %. The rates are rising due to increase of longevity, as well as high degree of spread and intensity of major dental diseases, necessity in refresher course of orthopedic alignment, violation of removable appliances’ fabrication method. The important problem of removable prosthetics is loss of retention and stability of the denture. This made the research- ers to study and suggest different methods of improvement of retention of removable dentures time and again. One of the perspective tendencies in removable prosthetics is the design and use of adhesive denture care products in prosthetic dentistry. All advanced countries, which are experiencing urgent problem of increasing demand in removable prosthetics, are engaged in developing of such products. A wide range of adhesive products, issued in various forms (creams, powders, stripes) are available on the market of dental materials. Such fixative creams as Corega®, President®, Lacalut® are the most popular among patients. Major investigations were aimed at study of fixative characteristics of such creams. Review of publications have revealed the insufficient study of fixative creams’ affect on the condition of oral mucosa. The purpose of our research was the development of medioprophilactic complex for prevention and treatment of complications associated with use of complete laminar dentures in conjunction with adhesive products. To reach the objective 60 patients with complete laminar dentures, who used adhesive denture care products for better retention, have been examined and treated. All patients were organized into 4 groups of 15 people each ac- cording to diagnosed complications. Patients from the first group were prescribed with Echinacea™ and Recutan™ tinctures for better adaptation to complete laminar dentures. Patients with traumatic lesions of oral mucosa from the second group were prescribed with Decatylen™ and Recutan™ medications. Patients with inflammatory lesions of oral mucosa from the third group received drug treatment with Hexalyse™ and Recutan™. Patients with mycotic lesions of oral mucosa were prescribed with Sebidin™ and Givalex™. 30 patients with dentition defects without evident prosthetic appliances from control group have been examined for comparison. The object of the study was patients’ oral liquid. The oral liquid was examined on the 3rd , 7th , 15th and 30th day, in a year after treatment. Oral liquid was tested on viscosity, C-reactive protein and mucin. The results of suggested treatment of patients from all experimental groups show positive dynamics and ten- dency to improvement of biochemical and physicochemical indices of oral liquid. Minor rising of indices was ob- served in a year after treatment.


oral liquid, complete laminar dentures, biochemical indices, physicochemical indices, adhesive products.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 part 3 (112), 2014 year, 293-297 pages, index UDK 616. 31. 08-039. 71+616. 314-76